C add (4) Guitar Chord | C major triad add 4 | Scales-Chords
C add (4) for Guitar has the notes C E F G and can be played 5 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 3 4 5.
C Add 4 Chord - Interactive Guitar Fretboard - fretmap.app
How to play C Add 4 Chord (Cadd4). This pattern consists of C, E, F, and G – with the degrees of R, 3, 4, and 5. Learn it on this free interactive fretboard. 11,368 patterns to choose from.
C add (4) Guitar Chord (Open C tuning) | C major triad add 4
C add (4) for Guitar on Open C tuning has the notes C E F G and can be played 4 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 3 4 5.
Add和弦 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月16日 · 增加与和弦根音相距纯四度的4音的和弦标记方法为——在原大三和弦或者小三和弦的标记后加上add4。常常也会见到add11这样的标记,是一个意思。add4和弦比较特殊,我们一般很少用到,大多数时候都是使用sus4和弦。
C Major Add 4th Guitar Chord - Yousician
Learn the C Major Add 4th Guitar Chord from Easy to Follow Diagrams. Free c-major-add-4th Guitar Chord Charts and Fingering Diagrams.
C Add4 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. The following chord symbols were not understood.
Who Else Wants To Know How The Rarely-Played Add4 Chord …
For example, the C major [add4] chord: < …consists of a minor second interval between its third and fourth tones (which are E and F): …and this interval sounds restless and dissonant. Now, because nobody wants to play a 1-chord that sounds dissonant and restless, the add4 chord is not usually played.
How to Play: C Add 4 (add chord) - YouTube
2022年10月13日 · C E F GMajor Triad Add 41 3 4 5
sus和弦、add和弦、9和弦之区别一举搞清_九和 - 搜狐
2019年6月22日 · 按照现代和声理论,sus4和弦被称为挂四三和弦,以C音为根音的sus4和弦组成音是 C F G,即用F(四音)来代替E(三音),所以这个和弦即为C(sus4) 或被称为Csus,大部分吉他类书籍都标注为…
Caug add(4) Guitar Chord | C augmented triad add 4 - Scales …
The C augmented triad add 4 Chord for Guitar has the notes C E F G# and interval structure 1 3 4 #5 and has 4 possible voicings/fret configurations. Full name: C augmented triad add 4
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