C-MAC Video Laryngoscope MAC #4 | KARL STORZ Endoskope
The C-MAC® HD Series – For Optimized Visualization. Visualization of intubation in HD; Lightweight and robust design due to titanium handle; Plug & play with our universal C-MAC® system interface; Multifunctional button for documentation in HD + –
C-MAC S Video Laryngoscope MAC #4 | KARL STORZ Endoskope
The C-MAC® S Blades - Single-Use Laryngoscope Blades. Blade and handle form one continuous piece: Minimizes risk of cross-contamination; Breakproof and lightweight design + –
2013年8月2日 · interface to the C-MAC® monitor. The C-MAC® S video laryngoscope is just as flexible and mob. le as other C-MAC® laryngoscopes. Consequently, the instrument is ideally suited for all emergency and prehospital situations as it practically eliminates the need for complex transpor.
The C-MAC® Videolaryngoscopy System in Clinical and Emergency Medicine 1 Basic Principles of Videolaryngoscopy 9 a central control unit with IPM (image processing module) and electronic fi lter to eliminate the Moiré effect
The Storz C-MAC video laryngoscope: description of a new …
2011年3月1日 · The key innovation of the new C-MAC is a fully portable video laryngoscopy set-up featuring improved image quality. Additional differences between it and the DCI system include improved optics, field of view, interface for adjusting video quality, and easy recording of still pictures and motion video.
C-MAC S Videolaryngoskop MAC 4 mit Laryngoskopspatel n
C-MAC S Videolaryngoskop MAC 4 mit Laryngoskopspatel n. MACINTOSH Packung mit 10 Stück Kompaktes und ergonomisches Design Klinge und Griff bilden…
Storz 8403BXC C-mac Video Laryngoscope Mac #4 Macintosh Blade Size 4 ...
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Storz 8403BXC C-mac Video Laryngoscope Mac #4 Macintosh Blade Size 4 CMAC at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Comparison of the C-MAC D-Blade, Conventional C-MAC, and …
Recently, the producers of the C-MAC have produced C-MAC D-Blade, which has a highly angulated video laryngoscopic blade. The D-Blade is half-moon-shaped and can be used with the C-MAC system (Figure 1).
2009年1月30日 · the 4th generation of video laryngoscopes, customers can rest assured that this will involve more than just superficial updates to the existing chip technology. The most distinguishing feature of the latest generation of C-MAC® video laryngoscopes, developed in collaboration with Prof. Berci, is the consistent implementation of a
The use of the C-MAC videolaryngoscope for awake intubation in …
The C-MAC videolaryngoscope can be very effective and useful in adult airway management. 1 I would like to share my experience regarding the use of the C-MAC videolaryngoscope for intubation of patients with a predicted extremely difficult airway. The presented cases consist of patients with laryngeal tumors (Table 1). Table 1.