Csus9 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. Show Csus9 results in Chord Calculator.
Suspended chord - Wikipedia
A suspended chord (or sus chord) is a musical chord in which the (major or minor) third is omitted and replaced with a perfect fourth or a major second. [1] The lack of a minor or a major third in the chord creates an open sound, while the dissonance between the fourth and fifth or second and root creates tension.
C7sus (9) = Csus9 Chord on Guitar
C sus9 will often replace the dominant 7th chord C 7. The sus9 chord is a 7sus4 chord with an additional 9th. You can get the 9th by going up a major second (= 1 whole-step = 2 frets) from a root C to D. It will be written as 9 and not as 2, because it extends the chord rather than modifying the basic structure of root, 3rd and 5th (like in a ...
Sus Chords – What They Are And How To Play Them - Online …
2019年1月27日 · ‘Sus’ chords are (mostly) Major chords that have an extra note of the scale ‘suspended’ in the chord. There are two main types of Suspended chords: We’re going to look at how to play these chords shortly. If you’re not interested in the theory that gets us there, simply scroll down and observe the chord diagrams.
Sus9 Chords in Theory and Practice - ZOT Zin Guitar Lessons
Learn these new chords and have fun with them. From now on, in addition to the chords you already knew in the key of C, you can occasionally throw in one of those sus9 chords to jazz up your chord progressions. A Song I Wrote Showcasing Sus9 Chords.
Csus Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart - 8notes.com
If the same fingering appears for more than one string, place the finger flat on the fingerboard as a 'bar', so all the strings can sound. Help Us Improve!
sus和弦、add和弦、9和弦之区别一举搞清_九和 - 搜狐
2019年6月22日 · 按照现代和声理论,sus4和弦被称为挂四三和弦,以C音为根音的sus4和弦组成音是 C F G,即用F(四音)来代替E(三音),所以这个和弦即为C (sus4) 或被称为Csus,大部分吉他类书籍都标注为 Csus4 。 说完sus4和弦,再说说很多书籍上出现的 sus2、9 、add9和弦,这些和弦很多朋友容易搞混。 从古典和声理论上来说,sus2和弦是非常不严谨的,我们按照上面sus4和弦的组成理论来组成一个“Csus2”和弦,即和弦组成音为 C D G,实际这也只是现代音 …
C suspended fourth, add ninth - Chord Database - North Coast …
Equivalent chord symbols: F2 +5+6, Csus2 +4, Csus4 +2, B♯sus2 +4, B♯sus4 +2, B♯sus4 +9. Notes in this chord: C, F, G, D. Integer notation: {0, 2, 5, 7}. Keys in which this chord fits with this spelling: CM , FM , E♭M , B♭M , Cm , Dm , Gm , Am
The sus2 add9 and sus9 Chords Explained - Guitar Lessons by Brian
2023年6月18日 · Sus9 Chord: A sus9 chord combines elements of both sus2 and add9 chords. It replaces the third of a major or minor triad with the second scale degree and adds the ninth. So, in the key of C, a Csus9 chord would consist of the notes C, D, and G as in a sus2 chord, but it also adds the ninth scale degree, which is the note E.
C9sus4\D Guitar Chord | Scales-Chords
The C ninth suspended fourth inverted on D Chord for Guitar has the notes D C F G Bb and interval structure 9 1 4 5 b7 and has 9 possible voicings/fret configurations. C9sus4\D for Guitar has the notes D C F G Bb and can be played 9 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 9 1 4 5 b7.