What does the equation C = 12 J mean for black holes? - Physics …
2021年6月7日 · Just saw a documentary about resolving Hawking's "information paradox". In my own lay terms the physicists appear to theorize resolving the paradox with with their proposed …
Calculate 2C*(3AxB) for Vectors A, B, and C - Physics Forums
2014年1月23日 · Homework Statement For the following three vectors, what is 2C*(3AxB) A=3i+3j-4k B=-3i+2j+3k C=-6i-8j **All of the capital letters are vectors**... Insights Blog -- …
What is the correct magnitude and direction of the vector D and E?
2011年1月30日 · C=(-2i+5j) m Use the component method to determine (a) the magnitude and direction of the vector: D= A+B+C and (b) the magnitude and direction of: E=-A-B+C …
How Do You Calculate Potential Energy with a Constant Force?
2008年10月2日 · C) Find a function U(x) such that U(6.0) = 14J I know that if PE is known then the F can be found by the derivative of the PE. I know that if F is known then the PE can be …
Complicated Puck Problem (consevation of forces) - Physics Forums
2009年10月16日 · Homework Statement The mass of the blue (dark) puck in the figure below is 24.6% greater than the mass of the green (light) one. Before colliding, the pucks approach …
Solving the Ships P and Q Problem - Physics Forums
2007年11月11日 · and For Q = (14i - 6j) + (12j)t then the questions goes : At time t hours after midnight, the disatnce between p and Q is d Km. c) by finding an expression For PQ show that …
What is the Work Needed to Move a Charge? - Physics Forums
E = 17650.45216 N/C So I plugged in E to the formula for Work W = qEd W = (3*10^-6)(17650.45216)(sqrt(2.34)) W = .081 J Attempt 2 I tried to calculate the electric field at the …
Calculating Velocity and Distance with Simple Projections - Physics …
2012年9月8日 · A particle is projected with velocity vector (10i + 15j)ms^-1 where i and j are unit vectors in the horizontal and upward vertical directions respectively. Find its velocity vector 2 …
Drawing a free body diagram for vectors - Physics Forums
2010年12月30日 · 3)Find the magnitude and angle of R if R=7.0i-12j I did not get to angle, my θ=-1.042. Is my answer wrong? Last question 4)If you give a vector in form of its magnitude and …
Find perpendicular vectors and angles - Physics Forums
2008年11月28日 · Homework Statement I'm awful with vectors. I know the dot product rule and the uses to find perpendicular vectors and angles. I know about multiplying vectors (a1b1 + …