Showa/Nakajima L2D - Wikipedia
The Shōwa L2D and Nakajima L2D, given the designations Shōwa Navy Type 0 Transport and Nakajima Navy Type 0 Transport(零式輸送機), were license-built versions of the Douglas DC-3. The L2D series, numerically, was the most important Japanese transport in World War II.
L2D “Tabby” (Japanese DC-3/C-47) - Arizona Dive Shop Subic Bay
The L2D “Tabby” Airplane Wreck in Subic Bay, Philippines was discovered in late 2013 and is lying inverted on its back at a maximum depth of 45 meters. It is hard damaged on the cockpit but divers can still identify the pilot seats and control sticks. The fuselage is …
Douglas C-47 Douglas C-47 Skytrain / Dakota (R4D, C-49, C-53 ...
Built by Douglas Aircraft Company. The C-47 was from the DC-3 airliner designed in 1936, one of America's most famous and widely used transports. Few aircraft are as well known or were so widely used for so long as the C-47. Nicknamed "Skytrain" in U.S. Army service or "Dakota" in Commonwealth service.
C-47运输机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月4日 · C-47在二战时为盟军提供了高机动性的空中运输能力,在各场战役中被广泛采用,尤其是D日 空降诺曼底、市场花园作战、突出部之役、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛战役、太平洋战争、新几内亚战事及缅甸战役(R4D,C-47海军型)中,其他还包括由印度往中国的驼峰航线及战后 ...
C-47運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本军队的那些DC-3 - 澎湃新闻
2022年1月6日 · 从性能上说,dc-3/l2d是非常不错的军用运输机,该机在二战日军空运装备中确实也算是重要力量,总产量487架,这在战争时期日本军用运输机中并不算低。
Douglas C-47 Skytrain / Dakota - Warbird Alley
Used as a cargo transport to fly the notorious "Hump" over the Himalayas after the Japanese closed the Burma Road, and as a paratroop carrier in various campaigns from Normandy to New Guinea, the Douglas C-47 was one of the prime people movers of WWII where, in one form or another, it was manufactured by belligerents on both sides, after first ...
Aerial Visuals - Airframe Dossier - Douglas-Showa/Nakajima L2D …
Constructed as a L2D by Showa/Nakajima at Japan. Taken on Strength/Charge with the Japanese Marine Self Defence Force with s/n 70 {1}. 6 February 1945. Written off. Summary: The airframe was written off. This was a military flight. The event occurred at Manila-Nichols Air Base (MNL) (Philippines) while standing. Narrative: Destroyed in bombing ...
C-47 SKYTRAIN - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
Speed: 230 mph (370 kph) at 8,500 ft. Range (Max. Fuel): 2,125 miles (3420 km) C-47: 6,000 lb. (2722 kg) or 28 paratroops or 14 liters and 3 attendants. This site deals with various technical aspects of the United States Air Force, primarily the aircraft.
C-47運輸機 - Wikiwand
C-47在二战时为盟军提供了高机动性的空中运输能力,在各场战役中被广泛采用,尤其是D日 空降诺曼底、市场花园作战、突出部之役、瓜达尔卡纳尔岛战役、太平洋战争、新几内亚战事及缅甸战役(R4D,C-47海军型)中,其他还包括由印度往中国的驼峰航线及战后 ...