c - Mapping a numeric range onto another - Stack Overflow
First, if we want to map input numbers in the range [0, x] to output range [0, y], we just need to scale by an appropriate amount. 0 goes to 0, x goes to y, and a number t will go to (y/x)*t. So, let's reduce your problem to the above simpler problem.
hashmap - C map data structure - Stack Overflow
2017年1月16日 · If your key and value part are same data type then you can use a 2-D array with 2 column where first column will be your key and second will be data. IT will behave as map but time complexity will diff. Time complexity : search - O(n) Insert - want to maintain unique key then O(n) else O(1). int map[N][2];
Porting std::map to C? - Stack Overflow
I am porting some c++ code to c. What is a viable equivalent of std::map in c? I know there is no equivalent in c. This is what I am thinking of using: In c++: std::map< uint, sTexture > m_Textures; In c: typedef struct { uint* intKey; sTexture* textureValue; } sTMTextureMap; Is that viable or am I simplifying map too much?
Implementing a generical 'map' function over arrays in C
2010年10月28日 · This is a way to do what you're asked for, but as I said to start with, this is next to impossible to do well in C. This code works to some degree, but IMO it does not qualify as doing the job well. This code works to some degree, but IMO it …
Difference between map [] and map.at in C++? - Stack Overflow
2012年5月30日 · This tree is a member of std::map, and thus returning a reference to it's data can potentially modify the data AND with that the tree itself, and thus the std::map class so that why it's impossible to call this method on a const instance of std::map. Now, let's take a look at the implementation of at() const:
C++ 'map' number ranges - Stack Overflow
2011年12月30日 · Is there a better way in C or C++, or just mathematically in general, to map ratios of numbers while preserving or rounding data? Take the following example double cdp = 17000.0; float int...
C Map String to Function - Stack Overflow
2012年10月7日 · It takes an array of strings(the first being the command, and the rest being arguments). For non built-in commands I simply use something like execvp, however I need to find a way to map the first string to a function. I was thinking of making two arrays, one of strings, and another with their corresponding function pointers.
data structures - Implementing a HashMap in C - Stack Overflow
How to go about creating a Hashmap in C from scratch as is present in C++ STL? What parameters would be taken into consideration and how would you test the hashmap? As in, what would the benchmark ...
C#, Is there a map structure? - Stack Overflow
2009年12月8日 · In c# is there a structure like c++ map? I have a group of numbers like this: 1.234 1 5.789 0 3.445 1 ... where the I need to sort the data based on the smallest number in column one, but I need
c++ - std::map find_if condition style confusion - Stack Overflow
2016年3月8日 · Elements in the map are not sorted by value, they are sorted according to the key. So the phrase "the first element" has not much sense. To find some element (not the first) that has x equal to some value you can write the functor as follows: