Alstom Movia R151 - Wikipedia
The Alstom Movia R151 is the seventh generation electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock in operation on the existing North–South (NSL) and East–West (EWL) lines of Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.
Alstom Movia R151 - Land Transport Guru
2020年9月28日 · The Alstom Movia R151 Train is an electric multiple unit (EMU) train procured by Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) for the North South Line and East West Line. A total of 106 trains were ordered under Contract R151 which entered passenger service on 4 June 2023 .
阿爾斯通Movia R151型電力動車組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2020年9月,陸路交通管理局以3億3780萬新加坡元增購40列R151列車,以替換全數19列第二代 C651 (英语:Siemens C651) 列車,以及全數21列第三代 C751B (英语:Kawasaki Heavy Industries & Nippon Sharyo C751B) 列車,有關列車已經投入服務逾20年。 這批增購的列車,連同於2018年訂購的一批,全數由龐巴迪於 長春 組裝。 [10] 首兩列新列車於2022年2月21日運抵新加坡,而其餘列車亦將分批運抵。 該批列車其後將會進行測試和試運行(testing and …
川崎重工C151型電力動車組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
川崎重工C151型電力動車組 是 新加坡地鐵 目前正在使用的四種車輛系統之一,共有66組列車,每組列車由6個車廂組成,為 SMRT地鐵有限公司 所擁有,於1987年開始使用,在 南北線 和 東西線 上運行。 為配合新加坡地鐵開建,MRTC公司(今SMRT)於1983年就本型列車的製造合約招標,入標者包括AESA公司- 勝科海事 聯營、 猛獅集團 - AEG - 西門子 - 勃朗-包維利股份公司 聯營、 川崎重工業 為首財團、 阿爾斯通 -Francorail-SOFRETU公司- 新科工程 聯營、 龐巴迪運輸 為 …
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 - Wikipedia
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) C151 is the first generation electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock in operation on the North–South and East–West lines of Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, manufactured by a consortium led by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) under Contract 151.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 - Land Transport Guru
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 is an electric multiple unit (EMU) train operating on the North South Line (NSL) and East West Line (EWL). Entering service in 1987 in tandem with the opening of Singapore’s Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, these trains are the oldest rolling stock currently in operation.
SMRT C151 End-of-Life upgrade / PMSM retractioning project
2022年3月21日 · The C151 End-of-Life Upgrading Project was a partially-completed train refurbishment and PMSM retractioning project undertaken by SMRT on Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 trains. The project involved replacing the propulsion system, HVAC and auxiliary power system (APS), train management system, brake control and the compressor on each train.
C151 | YourStudent Gemini Wiki | Fandom
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 trains form one of the five types of electric multiple unit rolling stock found on Singapore's North South Line and East West Line. These are the oldest trains on the MRT system, which have been running since the system's inception in 1987, and are still in operation today. 66 trainsets consisting of 6 cars ...
Alstom Movia R151 — The Review – SG Transport Critic
2023年6月9日 · The brand-new Alstom MOVIA R151 trains debuted on the East-West Line on 4th June. Some of the Team were on site for its first ever journey, and here's our review of the NSEWL's to-be new fleet.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 (KHI) | SGTrains.com
The Kawasaki Heavy Industries C151 trains are Singapore's first generation of electric multiple unit (EMU) rolling stock model for the North-South and East-West MRT lines (NSEWL). These trains are renowned as being the oldest rolling stock model in SMRT's train fleet and have been in passenger service since 7 November 1987.