Grand Caravan EX - Cessna
The Grand Caravan® EX aircraft has a reputation as a revenue generator. It carries up to 14 occupants with an increased speed and climb capability, plus a takeoff ground roll of only 1,399 ft. Its powerful Pratt & Whitney® Canada engine delivers 867 horsepower for dependable payload performance and superior efficiency.
Cessna 208 Caravan - Wikipedia
The Cessna 208 is a high-wing braced cabin monoplane powered by a single Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A turboprop in tractor configuration. The cabin has room for nine passengers and two crew when used as a passenger aircraft with four doors: one for each crew member, an airstair door on the right side of the cabin and a cargo door on the left.
赛斯纳-208型飞机 - 百度百科
赛斯纳208是美国赛斯纳飞机公司研制的单发涡桨式多用途轻型飞机,除可用作客、货运输外,换装专用设备后,还可用于空中灭火、空中摄影、农业喷洒、边境巡逻、跳伞、空投物资、医疗救护和监视飞行等任务。 该机型建造计划于1981年启动,用于客货运输,也瞄准许多其他用途。 原型机于1982年12月9日首飞,1985年开始批量生产,早期产品全部交付给美国联邦快递公司。 塞斯纳208经历了一系列的修改,并衍生出不同的机型,由最初的型号演变出多种改型。 塞斯纳208 …
A Brief Guide To The Different Variants Of The Cessna 208 Caravan
2024年6月14日 · The 208B Grand Caravan EX is a modified variant fitted with a more powerful 867hp PT6A-140 engine. Developed especially for the Cessna 208 by Pratt & Whitney, the new engine increased the aircraft's climb rate by 38%. It also offers a slightly higher payload but with a reduced operating range.
塞斯納208 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西斯納208 (Cessna 208)為 塞斯納飛行器公司 於1984年所生產的一種以 渦輪螺旋槳發動機 所驅動的航空器。 是一種多用途型的小型航空器,被廣泛運用於軍事、貨運、民航等方面。 西斯納208 為塞斯納飛行器公司所製造的商用飛機系列之一,於1982年12月開始執行為期兩年的飛行測試與認證,並於1987年獲得 美國聯邦航空局 的認證。 在獲得許可之後,西斯納208便經歷了一系列的修改,並衍生出不同的機型,由最初的 Cessna 208 演變為專為貨運所設計的 Cessna 208 …
CESSNA GRAND CARAVAN EX Aircraft For Sale - Controller.com
2023年1月16日 · Browse a wide selection of new and used CESSNA GRAND CARAVAN EX Aircraft for sale near you at Controller.com, the leading aircraft marketplace.
Textron Cessna Grand Caravan Ex 208B Pilot's Operating ... - ManualsLib
View and Download Textron Cessna Grand Caravan Ex 208B pilot's operating handbook and faa approved airplane flight manual online. Cessna Grand Caravan Ex 208B aircrafts pdf manual download.
Cessna Caravan Specs | Grand Caravan - Caravan Nation
Caravan Nation is an aviation consulting company that specializes in the most popular single-engine turboprop aircraft in the world, the Cessna Caravan, C208, C208B, Caravan EX, Turboprop, Turbo Prop.
Cessna Grand Caravan EX - Aero Corner
Cessna Grand Caravan EX Specifications, Price, Operating Costs, Photos and Features
Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX - AOPA
A popular choice for challenging missions, high payloads, and short, rough runways, the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX can carry up to 14 occupants and an optional cargo pod for greater capacity. With an 867-shp Pratt & Whitney PT6A-140 engine, this aircraft has a range of over 900 nm, a max cruise speed of 185 kts, and useful load of more than ...