Sako TRG - Wikipedia
The Sako TRG (short for Finnish: " Tarkkuuskivääri Riihimäki G-sarja ", " Riihimäki Precision Rifle G-series") is a bolt-action sniper rifle line designed and manufactured by Finnish firearms manufacturer SAKO of Riihimäki.
Canada arms its sharpshooters | Shephard
2022年6月15日 · Stoeger Canada was awarded the contract to deliver the new weapon systems, which include the 229 C21 sniper rifles — designed by Finnish company SAKO — and associated equipment such as suppressors and maintenance kits.
Snipers set sights on new rifle - Canadian Army Today
2022年12月15日 · All 229 of the bolt-action weapons, designated C21, are expected to be in the Army’s hands by year’s end, but it will take time to ensure that everything is acceptable before distribution across the country can be completed. The Sako TRG M10 Sniper Weapon System, designed and manufactured in Finland, was selected by the Army this June.
Canadian Army selects new sniper rifle — 229 SAKO rifles to be ...
2022年6月8日 · Stoeger Canada with SAKO of Finland will begin deliveries of the new rifles which will allow the use of two different types of calibres to meet the operational and training needs of the Canadian...
TRG-21狙击步枪 - 百度百科
TRG-21狙击步枪为7.62mm口径狙击步枪,发射7.62×51mm NATO弹有效射程800M。 制造这把狙击枪的是芬兰的SAKO公司,可能我们对于这家公司并不熟悉,但是该公司却是以生产高精密度的比赛级步枪而著称。 此枪装备波兰,伊拉克等国。
Canadá adquiere el fusil SAKO C21 para sus tiradores selectos
2022年6月11日 · Luego de haber completado las fases de proceso competitivo, el SAKO TRG M10 (denominado C21) resultó el candidato seleccionado por las autoridades canadienses, adjudicándose la compañía Stoeger Canada un contrato de 2,6 millones de dólares para suministrar los nuevos sistemas de armas junto son sus accesorios asociados, supresores, kits de ...
Sako Trg-21 - For Sale :: Shop Online :: Guns.com
Search the Guns.com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. Filter products to compare by specs and price. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles...
Sako, the leading Finnish manufacturer of world-renowned rifles, wins the contract for the multi-calibre sniper weapon (MCSW) System. The Canadian Department of National Defence’s tender opened bidding in 2021 for the Canadian Army.
Sako TRG
The Sako TRG 22 A1 & 42 A1 are robust precision instruments made for one specific task: hit the target – whatever it takes. With a guaranteed sub-MOA out-of-the-box performance, the TRG 22/42 A1 comes ready to engage at any distance.
Sako TRG M10
The TRG M10 is a bolt-action long range rifle that is available in multiple calibers, manually operated and shoulder-fired, as well as magazine-fed. It has a high-capacity magazine and fully adjustable stock that make it a multi-functional system in a single weapon, suitable for many different circumstances.
Sako TRG-S is the perfect rifle for hunters looking for synthetic large-action performance. The extremely accurate rifle is based on the world renowned TRG-design and technology. Massive bolt with three symmetrical locking lugs and short 60° lift. Detachable magazine that feeds straight into the chamber.
The new C21 sniper rifle will replace the current C14 and C3A1 sniper rifles, offering a number of improvements including its multi-calibre capability, adjustability with a folding stock and adaptability for in-line night vision devices.
Sako TRG Rifles | TRG Sako Rifles For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
Omaha Outdoors has custom and factory in stock Sako TRG models for sale. Buy Sako TRG online at Omaha Outdoors.
SAKO TRG-21 RH 308W - Armeria Majerna Torino
Sako wins Canadian Forces sniper rifle contract - Calibremag.ca
2022年6月7日 · Finland-based Sako has won its second rifle contract with the Canadian Forces, with a deal to provide the bolt-action TRG-M10 to arm this country's military snipers. In classic Canadian army fashion, the rifle will carry its own in-house branding, so to speak.
Sako TRG M10
Sako TRG M10 is a bolt action, multi-caliber, manually operated, magazine-fed, shoulder-fired sniper rifle that provides a single weapon system solution for many different applications.
Sako TRG 21 .308Win Käytetty kivääri - Metsoase.fiverkkokauppa
Huippu kunnossa oleva yksilö, säädettävällä poskipakalla.
如何评价芬兰新步枪AK24? - 知乎
是芬兰Sako M23突击步枪的瑞典版本,用于取代瑞典老旧的AK-4和AK-5步枪,采用5.56 x 45mm北约口径弹药,重量为3.2千克,比AK-5轻不到一公斤,可调节肩部支撑的总长度介于715和800mm之间,枪管长度为292mm。
SAKO Rifles | Sako Rifle For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
Its modular design, cold hammer forged barrel, and durable bolt action mechanism ensure accuracy and performance you can count on when you need it the most. A new Sako rifle from Omaha Outdoors will undoubtedly deliver the legendary and unrivaled shooting or hunting experience you demand.
Sako TRG - Armas.es
Gracias a su enorme precisión y potencia, los rifles snipers Sako han alcanzado una fama mundial. La mayoría de cuerpos policiales europeos echan mano del Sako TRG en los …