Completing a C285 -Tax Forum :: Free Tax Advice
2015年1月9日 · As I had no address in the UK i sent them to a friend who had to pay VAT on them. I've been advise I can challenge/claim this back by completing a C285. Looking at the …
Completing a C285 for import tax repayment - TaxationWeb
2017年3月6日 · Hi, I am trying to complete a C285 form to reclaim a customs charge that was put on a mislabelled item which I sent to the UK. The item was purchased in the UK and therefor …
Help please for completion of VAT remission form C285
2010年10月13日 · However I was charged almost £39 Import Vat on delivery. I was told by the company in the US that I can claim this back and after several phone calls, was directed to …
Overcharged import tax claim -Tax Forum :: Free Tax Advice
2022年10月29日 · Long story short, I've tried contacting UPS to no avail (they never answer their phones or respond to email!) so I've now spoken to HMRC direct who've asked me to send in …
Import Duty -Tax Forum :: Free Tax Advice - taxationweb.co.uk
2013年2月25日 · Tools that enable essential services and functionality, including identity verification, service continuity and site security.
Which form? C4 or IHT38 -Tax Forum :: Free Tax Advice
2012年12月12日 · We put her house on the market at the start of August at £410,000 and we accepted an offer of £410,000 the same week. I submitted form IHT400 and the associated …
Using p53i interactive form, repayment claim small pension
2008年8月6日 · I am preparing to reclaim over taxation on a small pension taken as lump sum.Previously "Trivial pension" . I have found a Form p53i which is an interactive (Fill in the …
Are step-grandchildren considered direct descendants re main …
2017年8月25日 · I am about to wind up a life interest trust created from my father's will (dec'd 1985) following the death of the lifetime beneficiary (his second wife).
Filing a P85 form when leaving UK / electoral roll
2007年5月16日 · (within the EU). Is it possible that the tax authorities send a tax return at random to your last known address because of the fact that they haven't heard anything from you? If …
Re: Filling out AIA details on CT600 - TaxationWeb
2013年3月18日 · I am looking to claim AIA on computer equipment that was bought during the period- and have got stuck on the capital allowances/balancing charges page of the CT600 …