Bordwell pKa Table - Organic Chemistry Data
2017年10月27日 · In short, the stronger the acid, the smaller the pKa value and strong acids have weak conjugate bases. pKa values describe the point where the acid is 50% dissociated (i.e. deprotonated). Below are tables that include determined pKa values for various acids as determined in water, DMSO and in the gas Phase.
Equilibrium pKa Table (DMSO Solvent and Reference) Hydrocarbons 20.117 21.822 22.522 17.317 Ph 18.019 26.122 Fluorenes X X = H 22.61 Me 22.31 Ph 17.91 tBu 24.421 SiMe3 21.5 26 SiPh3 18.6 26 = Fl-X
The pKa Table Is Your Friend - Master Organic Chemistry
2010年6月18日 · To calculate the Isoelectric point of an amino acid or peptide (or protein, if you are daring), you take the pKa of the carboxylic acid (between 2 and 4 usually) and the amine (9-11), add them, and divide by 2 for the case of an amino acid with no side chain that has a …
benchmark pKa values Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like C2H6, C2H4, C2H2 and more.
化合物pKa表总结——来自哈佛大学 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
此数据由哈佛大学的David Ripin and David Evans收集,包括以下化合物的 pKa 。 Inorganic Acids Alcohols, Oximes, Hydroxamic Acids, and Peroxides
Approximate pKa chart of the functional groups: values to know 1. Protonated carbonyl pKa = ‐7 Other important pKa’s 2. Protonated alcohol or ether pKa = ‐2 to ‐3 H2 = 35 3.
乙烷 CAS#: 74-84-0 - ChemicalBook
2025年3月17日 · 乙烷最简单的碳碳单键的烃,存在于天然气中 (5%~10%),其为无色、无嗅、易燃气体,溶于苯及乙醇 (4℃时46ml/100ml)。 蒸气与空气组成爆炸混合物,爆炸极限3.0%~12.5% (体积分数)。 乙烷是继甲烷后天然气中最主要的组成部分。 不同矿井的乙烷含量从1%至6%体积比不等。 1960年代前乙烷和其它大分子一般不被从甲烷中分离出来,而是直接和甲烷一起当作燃料使用。 今天乙烷是石化工业的重要原料之一,在设备完备的矿区它们被分离出来。 炼油的时 …
2016年10月12日 · 目前,该数据库中囊括了各种溶剂中的pKa参数2.2万余条,具体丰富的检索功能。 pKa部分已经正式上线,欢迎广大科研同仁免费使用。 另外,该课题组已经收集整理了有机化合物BDE参数2万余条,该部分内容也会很快与广大用户见面。
Table of pKa Values for List of Acids with Conjugate Pairs - BYJU'S
The pKa of a strong acid is less than zero. pKa is the negative log base ten of the Ka value, to be precise (acid dissociation constant). It determines an acid’s strength, or how tightly a proton is held by a Bronsted acid. The lower the pKa value, the more powerful the acid and its capacity to transfer protons.
For a comprehensive compilation of Bordwell pKa data see: http://www.chem.wisc.edu/areas/reich/pkatable/index.htm. *Values <0 for H2O and DMSO, and values >14 for water and >35 for DMSO were extrapolated using various methods. Advanced Org. Chem., 3rd Ed. J. March (1985) Unpublished results of W. P. Jencks.