Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) - Northrop Grumman
Developed for the U.S. Marine Corps, C2PC displays the COP from a Global Command and Control System (GCCS)-based server or tactical data from other C2PC workstations. Users can view and edit the COP, apply overlays, display imagery, send and receive tactical messages and gain overall battlefield situational awareness.
C2PC provides exceptional geographic map and imagery display, live tracking of friendly and hostile forces, tactical graphics, route management, messaging services, automated tactical alerts, and an interactive web client that works with any web browsers supporting WebGL.
Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC), Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS), and Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS), using a Multi-source Correlator Tracker to fuse information onto a tactical display. CAC2S enables the DASC to execute the concept of digital interoperability, with organic assets and the joint force,
C2PC Tactical is designed for ease-of-use in vehicle mounted and dismounted soldier environments. Through the efficient use of communications channels it provides shared situational awareness, collaborative planning and friendly force tracking from GPS enabled C2PC Tactical clients or combat net radios.
C2PC - GlobalSecurity.org
compare and merge tracks. between C2PC and Track Database Manager. Systems Command, Randy Ream. Capt Jamie Knapp, USMC, CCSC-01.
- [PDF]
C2 Systems Overview
• Acts as Joint Track Database Manager (Top COP) • Acts as Joint MIDB (Modernized Integrated Database) Server • Fuses, displays and disseminates products, information, and reports from all active elements of the battle space in both the Joint and Multi-National arena’s GLOBAL COMMAND & CONTROL SYSTEM
C2PC sets up a gateway connection for track and general military intelligence (TDMS and MIDB) for client workstations. Add-on applications can also provide more detailed MIDB data and query
The Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) system, a battlefield situational awareness tool, is used in the Testbed to demonstrate the ability to support legacy mission-critical applications. The C2PC REPEAT track simulator acts as a Global Command and Control System (GCCS) server that, in a real operational environment, would feed tactical
C2PC Data Sheet - Northrop Grumman Corporation - Yumpu
2014年11月22日 · <strong>C2PC</strong> Brings the Tactical Picture to the Desktop – Supported by<br /> Robust Planning Tools, Decision Aids and Display Capabilities. Real-time …
• C2PC traffic as an extension of the GCCS track picture from one master Gateway to two remote Gateway/client workstations representing small ships. This was accomplished using standard