Monoclonal antibody C38 labels surviving retinal ganglion cells …
1996年6月24日 · C38 is a monoclonal antibody that labels retinal ganglion cells in both intact and axotomized rat retinas. We report here that C38 labeled retinal ganglion cells that survived after optic nerve section and peripheral nerve graft in rats.
C38, equivalent to BM88, is developmentally expressed in …
2010年2月2日 · We have isolated and reported a monoclonal antibody C38 which labels RGCs in the rat and the cat (Wakabayashi et al. 1996a,b). In cat retina, anti-C38 specifically labels RGCs, but in rat, the inner nuclear layer (INL) and the outer plexiform layer (OPL) are also labeled (Wakabayashi et al. 1996b).
Nuclear lamins are differentially expressed in retinal neurons …
2011年8月14日 · The anti-C38 antibody is a monoclonal antibody that labels retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and horizontal cells in the rat retina (Wakabayashi et al. 1996, 2010). When retinal specimens were labeled using the anti-lamin A and C38 antibodies, the anti-lamin A antibody labeled only a small population of C38-positive cells in the GCL (Fig. 3 a–d).
Prolonged Expression of Puma in Cholinergic Amacrine Cells …
Anti-C38 is a monoclonal antibody raised against rat retinal tissue (Wakabayashi et al. 1996b). It specifically labels RGCs and horizontal cells in rat and mouse retina (Wakabayashi et al. 1996b; Wakabayashi et al. 2010). In Western blots of rat retinal lysate, it recognizes a …
Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving retnal ganglion
2023年6月14日 · Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving retnal ganglion cells after peripherl nerve graft in axotomized rat retina.,. Wakabayashi, T., Y. Fukuda & J. Kosaka Published by Brain Res. 725, 121-124 (1996), 1996
Feature Task Cards [ABLLS-R Aligned B18, C38, G16]
These task cards are aligned to the ABLLS-R tasks B18, C38, and G16. All cards are labeled with the corresponding task number and score for easy organization and use. Perfect for direct instruction, independent work, guided practice, or small group instruction/centers!
Boekwinkeltjes.nl - Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving …
Monocloal antibody C38 labels survinving retnal ganglion cells after peripherl nerve graft in axotomized rat retina., Uitgever: Brain Res. 725, 121-124 (1996) Bijzonderheden: 1996, Obr., 4°,. 4s., in gutem Zustand, [WES125].., Prijs: € 4,00 (Excl. verzendkosten)
ROVAL C38 DISC KIT1 stickers for bike, vinyls, decals, stickers, labels.
ROVAL C38 DISC KIT1 stickers, decals bike box. SE ADMITE PAGO POR BIZUM. Vinyl high quality and high durability, brand used (ORACAL), the kit contains the number of decals on the …
5 mil Label Thick, Coffee, Cryogenic Label - 846DX4|GRAING-C38
Circular lab inventory labels (also called dot cryo labels) are commonly placed on the caps of cryogenic vials and tubes. Their specialized face material and adhesive backing withstand extreme cold for cryogenic storage. They can be written on or printed on with a laser printer.
Monoclonal antibody C38 labels surviving retinal ganglion cells …
1996年6月24日 · C38 is a monoclonal antibody that labels retinal ganglion cells in both intact and axotomized rat retinas. We report here that C38 labeled retinal ganglion cells that survived after optic nerve section and peripheral nerve graft in rats.
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