000659 - C3H Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
A spontaneous mutation in <em>Tlr4</em> occurred in C3H/HeJ at the lipopolysaccharide response locus (mutation in toll-like receptor 4 gene, <em>Tlr4<sup>Lps-d</sup></em>) …
C3H小鼠 - 百度百科
C3H小鼠是引进用于医学研究,感觉神经研究、 免疫学 和炎症研究的小鼠。 [1] 1920年Strong将一只Bagg albino雌鼠和一只DBA雄鼠进行杂交得到该品系,1930年Andervont引入了该品系的4 …
C3H小鼠超全资料|C3H/HE小鼠来源、特点验证数据 - 知乎
C3H/HeJ 小鼠的共显性 Lps d 等位基因显示对应于 Toll 样受体 4 基因 ( Tlr4 )的第三个外显子中的错义突变,预测将在多肽链的第 712 位用组氨酸替换脯氨酸。 一、来源. 1920 …
C3H小鼠及不同亚系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在C小鼠近交到第8代(F8)时,将F8小鼠中5635号雄性选入近交,通过培育和筛选,形成了两个亚系近交小鼠: C3H/st亚系 小鼠,该雌性小鼠的乳腺肿瘤发生率高达90%以上;以及 CBA/st亚 …
C3H/HeJ | 杰克森实验室
c3h/hej 小鼠通常称为 c3h 小鼠,作为一种常规品系广泛用于多种研究领域,包括癌症、传染病、感觉神经和心血管生物学研究。 C3H/HeJ 品系的脂多糖应答位点上发生Tlr4 自发突变(toll 样 …
C3H小鼠, C3H Mice - 维通利华 | Charles River
C3H/HeNCrl 小鼠 肿瘤学,神经科学 近交系 肿瘤研究、感觉神经方面研究、鼠源/人源同源基因相关研究(色素性视网膜炎,常染色体隐性性状)。
C3H Mice | Charles River
C3H mice are known for their aggressive behavior and hyperactivity. They display increased anxiety-like behavior and tend to avoid open spaces. C3H mice also notable for their cognitive …
000635 - Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
C3H/HeOuJ mice and all other C3H substrains at The Jackson Laboratory are homozygous for the retinal degeneration 1 mutation (<i>Pde6b<sup>rd1</sup></i>), causing blindness by …
MGI - Inbred Strains: C3H - The Jackson Laboratory
Following administration of murine cytomegalovirus, C3H mice exhibited minimal carditis after neonatal or adult infection. However neonatal infection appears to accelerate age-related …
C3H小鼠是由白化小鼠与DBA小鼠杂交后经过选择性近交而成的品系,具有自发性形成乳腺肿瘤、肝脏肿瘤和视网膜变性的特点。 C3H小鼠又分为若干不同亚系,C3H/An mouse,C3H/He …