C3A [HepG2/C3A, derivative of Hep G2 (ATCC HB-8065)]
C3A [HepG2/C3A, derivative of Hep G2 (ATCC HB-8065)] is an epithelial-like cell isolated from the liver of a White, 15-year-old male patient with hepatocellular carcinoma. This cell line was deposited by Baylor College of Medicine and used in cancer, toxicology, and …
Cellosaurus cell line Hep-G2/C3A (CVCL_1098)
Permanent human hepatocyte cell line and its use in a liver assist device (LAD). Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer. Signatures of mutation and selection in the cancer genome. A genome-wide screen for microdeletions reveals disruption of polarity complex genes in diverse human cancers.
人永生化肝细胞(C3A)_源井生物【官网】 - Ubigene
源井生物提供的人永生化肝细胞 (C3A)由ATCC、ECACC和DSMZ等各大权威细胞库引进,细胞代次低、活性高、状态好,可提供STR鉴定报告,保证细胞身份准确。
Assessment of biological functions for C3A cells interacting …
C3A cells cultured with acute liver failure plasma showed mild inhibition of cell viabilities, reduction of albumin secretion, and increase of ammonia accumulation. Furthermore, CYP450 enzymes demonstrated various alterations on gene transcription, protein expression and enzyme activities.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2/C3A) cell-based 3D model for ...
2021年2月10日 · In this study, we developed an approach for genotoxicity testing with 21-day old spheroids formed from human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2/C3A) using the dynamic clinostat bioreactor system (CelVivo BAM/bioreactor) under controlled conditions.
Selecting Cells for Bioartificial Liver Devices and the Importance of …
C3A cells are used in several BAL systems and the first phase III clinical trial of a C3A BAL has recently been completed (clinicaltrials.gov NCT00973817). HepaRG cells were also derived from a hepatocellular carcinoma and resemble hepatic progenitor cells in their capacity to differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes 8 .
Cell:从结构上揭示补体受体激活和信号转导耦合机制 - 知乎
补体级联反应是我们免疫反应的核心,它是在检测到潜在威胁时激活的一系列事件。这一过程会产生蛋白信使 C3a 和 C5a,进而激活细胞表面上的特定受体,引发一系列内部信号。这些受体(尤其是难以捉摸的 C5aR1)的确切机制一直是个谜。
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2/C3A) cell-based 3D model for ... - PubMed
2021年2月10日 · In this study, we developed an approach for genotoxicity testing with 21-day old spheroids formed from human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2/C3A) using the dynamic clinostat bioreactor system (CelVivo BAM/bioreactor) under controlled conditions.
C3A cell line|AcceGen
C3A, also referred to as HepG2/C3A, is a epithelial-like clonal variant derived from Hep G2, originating from the liver of a 15-year-old male with hepatocellular carcinoma. C3A cells exhibit robust contact inhibition of growth and demonstrate notable features such as high albumin and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) production.
C3a (complement) - Wikipedia
C3a is a 77 residue anaphylatoxin that binds to the C3a receptor (C3aR), a class A G protein-coupled receptor. It plays a large role in the immune response. C3a molecules induce responses through the GPCR C3a receptor.