Large-scale synthesis of crystalline g-C3N4 nanosheets and high ...
2020年1月24日 · Poly (triazine imide) (PTI), a crystalline g-C 3 N 4, hosting two-dimensional nanoporous structure with an electron density gap of 0.34 nm, is highly promising for high-temperature hydrogen sieving because of its high chemical and thermal robustness. Currently, layered PTI is synthesized in potentially unsafe vacuum ampules in milligram quantities.
High-crystalline g-C3N4 photocatalysts: Synthesis, structure …
2023年9月1日 · HRTEM analysis revealed a strong interface interaction between highly crystalline g-C 3 N 4 and δ-Bi 2 O 3, confirming the successful formation of the HCCN/BO heterojunction photocatalyst. Notably, the lattice fringes with spacings of 0.33 nm and 0.32 nm were attributed to the (002) facet of HCCN and the (111) facet of BO, respectively.
Electron-enriched single-Pd-sites on g-C3N4 nanosheets achieved …
2024年4月1日 · In this work, we have developed an ion-loading pyrolysis route to in-situ coordinate Pd nanoparticles with well-defined twinned structures and single atoms onto ultra-thin g-C3 N 4 nanosheets (denoted as PdTP /Pd SA -CN heterostructures) for high-efficiency photoreduction of CO 2, which exhibits the highest CO 2 PR–to–CO efficiency up to 46.5 μ...
a TEM and b HRTEM images and c SAED pattern of g-C3N4 …
The formation of the g-C3N4/Ti3C2Tx nano-heterostructures was confirmed via powder X-ray diffraction and supported by XPS. The FE-SEM images indicated the formation of layered structures of MXene...
Synthesis of phosphate-bridged g-C3N4/LaFeO3 nanosheets Z …
2022年1月5日 · Based on TEM, HRTEM with elemental mapping, XRD, DRS, XPS, TR-PL, FTIR, TPD, PEC, BET and FS spectra related to •OH amount have confirmed that the fabrication of g-C3 N 4 nanosheets has successfully enhanced the charge separation and enlarged the surface area of LaFeO3 nanosheets.
One-Dimensional Conjugated Carbon Nitrides: Synthesis and …
Two-dimensional (2D) graphitic carbon nitrides (g-C 3 N 4) have sparked much interest as photocatalysts. However, they suffer from high activation energy and a low separation rate of photoexcited charge carriers. Here we report a viable strategy to craft one-dimensional carbon nitrides denoted as polymelem (PM).
Highly efficient Z-scheme g-C3N4/ZnO photocatalysts …
2019年10月10日 · We concluded that the photocatalytic system formed by g-C3N4 and ZnO should be the Z-scheme heterojunction with an improved transfer efficiency of photogenerated electron–hole pairs and strong redox capacity, which can be confirmed by radical trapping experiments, DMPO-ESR technique and valence band XPS spectra measurements.
TEM image, HRTEM and SAED patterns of bulk g-C 3 N 4 (a-c) …
Porous graphitic carbon nitride (p-C3N4) was fabricated via simple pyrolyzing treatment of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4). The defects could be introduced into the structure of...
Sulfur-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunctions for Efficient Visible Light ...
Doping sulfur for substituting the lattice nitrogen of g-C3N4 (S-g-C3N4) modifies the electronic structure of g-C3N4 that displays the narrowed band-gap with the tuned conduction band and valence band levels as well as a good ability of electron-hole sepn. and carrier mobility.
Typical TEM images of (a,b) pure g-C3N4 and (c) N1S40; (d) HRTEM …
The HRTEM image of N1S40 in Fig. 4d shows the crystallinity of CdS and g-C 3 N 4 with an interplanar spacing of 0.336 nm and 0.326 nm, which are assigned to the (002) and (002) planes of the ...