Axiom C560 Series Mobile | SHI
Hardware Software Partners Solutions Services Explore SHI Tools 888-764-8888 All Hardware; Cables. Audio/Video Cables; Ethernet Cables
Peerless-AV Portable Video Wall DS-C560-2X2 | SHI
Designed for modularity, this 2 x 2 video wall cart configuration allows the user to create a flawless video wall with screen ranges from 46" to 60" displays. This Modular Video Wall Cart offers an 8-point micro-adjustment to create a seamless alignment without the need of tools.
C160 C250 C360 C160 C250 C360 C450 C250 C360 C450 C560 5.3 5.4 5.5 (4893 x 1326 x 1750) (4893 x 1326 x 1750) 4793 x 1326 x 1750 5.5 7.0 7.1 7.1 (5298 x 1396 x 1831) (5298 x 1396 x 1831) 5198 x 1396 x 1831---7.4 1300 510 x 510 720 x 720 850 400 ø100 333 (333) 100 32 1200 180 - 450 (180 - 500) (900) (950) (180 - 550) (59) (150)---1800 560 x 560 ...
SE-HSZ Series - Sumitomo (SHI) Demag North America
Available in models from 242 to 385 U.S. tons (220 to 350 metric tons), the SE-HSZ provides mid-range applications with the energy efficiency, cleaner molding environment and precision benefits of an all-electric combined with the higher speeds and pressures typically found only on high-performance hybrids and hydraulics.
Full lineup of "SEEV-A-SHR" series of super-high-speed electric ...
2020年9月28日 · SHI have adopted an injection unit with low inertia and high capacity servo motors. By increasing the injection speed and acceleration, the resin can flow evenly into the mold. "SEEV-A-SHR" is able to reduce gate burr, imbalanced and warpage, which is an adverse effect of thinning.
超高速全電動射出成形機「SEEV-A-SHR」シリーズをフルライン …
2020年9月28日 · 低慣性・大容量サーボモータ採用の射出装置により、短時間でストレスの少ない充填が可能となり、薄肉化はもちろんのこと、ゲートバリ、偏肉、反りの低減化を実現しました。 薄肉光学成形品に求められる高い光学品質に寄与します。 2)高応答・高負荷型締圧縮機構. 型締圧縮機構の性能を向上させ、低型締力域から高型締力域への応答時間を短縮しました。 さらに型締デューティも大幅に向上(当社従来機約2倍)し、成形工程中に型締力を複雑に変化 …
联想一体机C560多故障维修 - 迅维网
2017年7月27日 · 机器型号:联想C560 板号:LA-A061P 故障:不触发,待机偏高. 机器是同行,拿过来的,插可调,待机 0.2,基本可以判断短路, 拆机,看看机器板子面貌,仁宝代工。 如图:机器有 图纸。 以下是维修思路: 1, 打阻值,公共点正常。 PL8电感5V 只有20几,那就是这里了,去的地方比较多,只能烧鸡,2V来烧,U22 发烫。 U22的供电是5VSB 看图纸,46页,待机5V转换。 如图: 2, U22短路,拆掉,因为就可以收工,但是,待机低了些,依然不触发, …
住友注塑机 - spm-northasia.com
SE-EV-S 系列机型是旨在实现该目标以“3 个S”为理念的全电动注塑机。 应用范围. 医疗移液管/连接器/智能手机框体/镜筒. 01直驱结构. 通过独创的射出结构和低惯性伺服电机,可进行高响应 …
SE-EV-S-HD - 住友重機械工業株式会社
The SE-EV-S-HD series of all-electric injection molding machines was developed on the 3 S’s – sustainability, stability and security – concept to realize that. pressure. force. operation.
Axiom C560 Series Mobile | www.shi.com
Hardware Software Brands Solutions Services Explore SHI Tools 888-764-8888 All Hardware; Cables. Audio/Video Cables; Ethernet Cables
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