A paraxial schematic eye model for the growing C57BL/6 mouse
2004年7月1日 · We developed a paraxial schematic model of the growing eye for the most common laboratory mouse strain, the C57BL/6 mouse, for the age range between 22 and 100 days. Methods. Refractive development was followed with eccentric infrared photorefraction and corneal curvature with infrared photokeratometry.
A Population Study of Common Ocular Abnormalities in C57BL/6N
Ocular abnormalities are common in anterior and posterior segments of the C57BL/6N mouse, the most common background on which single-gene knockout mice have been made. It is important that vision scientists understand the extent and variability of ocular findings associated with this particular genetic background of mice.
Microphthalmia and ocular infections in inbred C57 black mice
1995年10月1日 · The cataracts found in inbred C57 black mice with microphthalmia may be characterized by minor cortical degeneration, by major involvement of the cortex and nucleus, or by extrusion of lens cortex through a dehiscence in the lens capsule.
C57BL/6小鼠形觉剥夺性近视动物模型的建立 - 中华眼科杂志
目的 探讨C57BL/6小鼠形觉剥夺性近视与眼球生物学参数的变化,揭示小鼠实验性近视形成的敏感期,以及形觉剥夺对小鼠屈光发育的影响.方法 实验研究.23日龄C57BL/6小鼠74只,随机分为3组,单眼形觉剥夺组:剥夺2周 (n=12)、3周 (n=20)和4周 (n=18),对侧眼作为自身对照;形觉剥夺恢复组 (n=10):单眼形觉剥夺4周,分别恢复4 d和7 d;正常对照组 (n=14).实验前后分别用红外偏心摄影验光仪测量小鼠眼球的屈光状态,修正过的人眼角膜曲率计测量角膜曲率半径,相干光断层扫描仪测 …
A paraxial schematic eye model for the growing C57BL/6 mouse
We developed a paraxial schematic model of the growing eye for the most common laboratory mouse strain, the C57BL/6 mouse, for the age range between 22 and 100 days. Methods: Refractive development was followed with eccentric infrared photorefraction and corneal curvature with infrared photokeratometry.
A role of color vision in emmetropization in C57BL/6J mice
2020年9月10日 · Spectral composition affects emmetropization in both humans and animal models. Because color vision interacts the effects of chromatic defocus, we developed a method to bypass the effects of...
结论 C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1 Aec2干燥综合征模型小鼠可自发地产生干眼,且随着周龄的增加,其干眼体征加重.该模型小鼠可以较好地模拟人的干眼进程,可作为研究干眼发病机制的理想动物模型。 引用本文: 谭莲, 谢汉平. C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2干燥综合征模型小鼠干眼特点的评价 [J] . 中华实验眼科杂志,2013,31 ( 04 ): 339-346. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-0160.2013.04.008.
A Population Study of Common Ocular Abnormalities in C57BL…
Results: Common ocular findings in the C57BL/6N strain included corneal deposits (3%), increased optical density of the anterior lens capsule (67%), punctate nuclear cataracts (98%), vitreous crystalline deposits (61%), hyaloid vascular remnant (6%), and retinal dysplasia attributed to the rd8 mutation (58%).
Lifelong Changes in the Choroidal Thickness, Refractive Status, and ...
Methods: High-resolution swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), eccentric infrared photoretinoscopy, and custom real-time optical coherence tomography were used to analyze choroidal changes, refractive changes and ocular growth in C57BL/6J mice from postnatal day (P) 21 to month 22.
UVR-B诱导C57小鼠白内障发展。,Experimental Eye Research - X …
5 kJm(-2)UVR-B-300 nm的剂量在C57小鼠晶状体中引起光散射。 该增加在暴露后2天有一个瞬时峰值。 在第1、2、4和8天之间光散射的变化表明,在小鼠晶状体单方面体内暴