000664 - B6 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL/6J mice are resistant to audiogenic seizures, have a relatively low bone density, and develop age related hearing loss. They are also susceptible to diet-induced obesity, type 2 …
MGI - Inbred Strains: C57BL - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL is probably the most widely used of all inbred strains, (substrain C57BL/6 alone accounts for over 14% of occasions on which an inbred strain is used) though in many ways it seems to …
Aged C57BL/6J Mice - The Jackson Laboratory
Aged C57BL/6J mice have research applications that include immunology, cancer, longevity interventions, and biomarker studies. C57BL/6J is the most widely used inbred mouse strain …
A tool for telling apart C57BL/6J versus C57BL/6N substrains
2013年4月3日 · If you need to know whether your mouse has a C57BL/6J (B6J, 000664), C57BL/6N (B6N, 005304), or mixed B6J;B6N background, The Jackson Laboratory’s (JAX’s) …
Profile: C57BL/6J - The Jackson Laboratory
For over a century, the Jackson Laboratory has raised and distributed countless C57BL/6J mice. But has anyone wondered why this particular mouse, first bred in 1921 by Jackson Laboratory …
There is no such thing as a C57BL/6 mouse! - The Jackson …
2016年6月22日 · A mutation that causes spotty retinal degeneration, known asCrb1rd8was discovered to be homozygous in all C57BL/6N related substrains, but is not present in the …
C57BL/6J Strain Detail MGI Mouse MGI:3028467 - The Jackson …
2024年12月10日 · View mouse strain C57BL/6J : mutations, QTL, phenotypes, diseases, and references.
005304 - B6N Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
005304 C57BL/6NJ This is an NIH subline of C57BL/6. It was separated from C57BL/6J in 1951. Five SNP differences have been identified that distinguish C57BL/6J from C57BL/6ByJ and …
C57BL/6NTac Strain Detail MGI Mouse MGI:2164831 - The Jackson …
View mouse strain C57BL/6NTac : mutations, QTL, phenotypes, diseases, and references.
000665 - Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL/10J mice are a valuable immunological research tool. They have a high lymphocyte phytohaemagglutinin response, a good immune response to ovalbumin, a poor response to …