FN MAG - Wikipedia
The FN MAG (French: Mitrailleuse d'Appui Général, English: General Purpose Machine Gun) is a Belgian 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun, designed in the early 1950s at Fabrique Nationale (FN) by Ernest Vervier.
C6A1 FLEX - Military Wiki | Fandom
The C6A1 is an improved version of C6 that is a Canadian version of FN MAG. The C6A1 FLEX will replace C6 in Canadian military by 2019. Improvements include polymer buttstock, M1913 Picatinny rails, and adjustable gas tube regulators.
C6 and C6A1 7.62-mm Medium Machine Gun - Canada
The C6 Medium Machine Gun is being replaced with the C6A1 7.62-mm General Purpose Machine Gun. The C6A1 is based on the current C6 design, and includes improved features such as: the ability to attach pointing devices and optical sighting systems to help increase operational and tactical effectiveness.
加拿大陆军采购C6A1通用机枪 加速枪械更新步伐 维持生产能力
2020年5月22日 · 2017年,加拿大陆军曾经采购1148挺c6a1机枪,合同总价值3210万加元,替换老旧的c6通用机枪。 近日,加拿大陆军刚刚与加拿大柯尔特公司签订合同,订购272支新型半自动精确步枪(如图),另外还将采购新型栓动狙击步枪。
New C6A1 FLEX General Purpose Machine Guns for Canadian army
2020年1月29日 · New C6A1 FLEX General Purpose Machine Guns for Canadian army. The Government of Canada’s commitment to equipping the members of the Canadian Armed Forces continues, with the purchase of 3,626 new C6A1 FLEX General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG) from Colt Canada, Defence Minister Harjit S. Sajjan announced on 24 January.
With almost half of the current C6 fleet having reached a non‐repairable state, Colt Canada is perfectly capable of supplying and supporting the next fleet of C6A1 weapon. A support machine‐gun has not been manufactured in Canada for our Armed Forces since World War II.
加拿大将换装新型通用机枪 - 搜狐
2017年8月11日 · 加拿大新型C6A1通用机枪在设计上与FN 赫斯塔尔公司(FN Herstal)的MAG-58有相近之处,采用聚合物枪托,可由士兵携带,也可安装在车辆上,如加拿大的新型战术装甲巡逻车(TAPV)。
Canada to get 1,148 new, improved C6A1 machine guns
2017年7月28日 · The C6A1 FLEX (flexible) General Purpose Machine Gun program will augment and replace legacy C6 GPMG s produced under license from FN by Canadian Arsenals Ltd. back in the 1980s.
Canada to Upgrade C6s with Colt Canada's C6A1 FLEX Model
2017年8月17日 · Canadian machine gunners will be receiving approximately 1,148 7.62x51mm NATO C6A1 FLEX (Flexible) GPMGs to replace current C6s throughout the armed forces in late 2018. Part of this $32 Million contract is to upgrade the components of the machine guns with polymer buttstocks, M1913 Picatinny rails, and adjustable gas tube regulators similar to ...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
C6A1 FLEX is a Canadian 7.62x51mm NATO general-purpose machine gun. The C6A1 is an improved version of C6 that is a Canadian version of FN MAG. The C6A1 FLEX replaced the C6 in the Canadian...