FN MAG - Wikipedia
The FN MAG (French: Mitrailleuse d'Appui Général, English: General Purpose Machine Gun) is a Belgian 7.62 mm general-purpose machine gun, designed in the early 1950s at Fabrique Nationale (FN) by Ernest Vervier.
List of infantry fighting vehicles - Wikipedia
74 new IFV hulls manufactured since 2012, and turret from the vehicle above repurposed and modernised. 20 Dardo transport a ICLU Spike LR shoulder missile launchers. This IFV is capable of amphibious missions. One of the prototypes for the replacement of the M2 / M3 Bradley. The Borsuk is an amphibious IFV. This is an amphibious IFV.
Canadian Armed Forces - Official Squad Wiki
The Canadian LAV 6.0 combines the speed of a wheeled platform with the firepower and armor of a heavy IFV. However, Canadians lack vehicles capable of launching guided missiles. Weapons Small Arms. C7A2 - Full-Length Rifle; C8A3 - Carbine; C9A2 - Light Machine Gun; C6A1 - Medium Machine Gun; C14 Timberwolf - Sniper Rifle; Hi-Power - Pistol ...
Vehicles - Official Squad Wiki
To drive a vehicle, you must first claim the vehicle, you may then enter the driver's seat and start the engine. To enter, exit, rearm, or switch kits off a vehicle, press and hold F. To switch seats, press F1 to F10. For a short moment, you will also see a …
Squad Armored Vehicles Viability Rankings / Tier List
2023年8月28日 · The uparmoured version has the privilege of being the only IFV in the game with frontal hull armour completely immune to 30mm rounds. They can still penetrate the front of the turret at close range, but each shot suffers a really high damage reduction. Because of this, the UA warrior tends to dominate any IFV without an ATGM.
红警2小科普(140)——IFV各模式数据补充 - 哔哩哔哩
这里是烈葱,今天将要介绍的不是单独的一个单位,而是对往期IFV篇目的补充(参考cv1895865),主要以补充武器数据为主。 废话不多说,那我们开始吧!
2024年5月16日 · 简单来说,apc的装甲设计相对轻薄(如防破片),主要目的是保障步兵的安全运输,其火力支援仅为辅助,并非主要职责。相比之下,ifv则是一个全面的“战斗单元”,不仅具备载具的功能,更强调战斗能力。
Coyote - Official Squad Wiki
It is a non-amphibious APC that has a strong resemblence to the LAV-25 and the other four LAV variants featured in Squad. The LAV-25 and ASLAV-25 are the only two amphibious variants. The Coyote is modified with additional fuel tanks in place of the LAV-25 's amphibious equipment.
美国装备志——M2布雷德利步兵战车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M2布雷德利步兵战车,英语:M2 Bradley IFV,最早技术起源于食品机械化学公司军械分部 XM723计划 ,后因为陆军提出了步兵作战又能作为侦察搜索使用的通用车辆的需求便诞生了 FMC 集团 生产制造的XM2样车,首批生产型车辆于1981年5月交付使用,并经过了多次改进 ...
IFV | Armed Assault Wiki - Fandom
"IFV" can refer to either: Infantry Fighting Vehicle: a classification of AFVs featured throughout the series, capable of transporting infantry squads and providing heavy fire support with a mixture of machine guns, autocannons and/or surface-to-surface guided missiles; The designation for two vehicles used exclusively by NATO forces in ArmA 3: