Cervical Degenerative Facet Disease | Spine Specialist
Cervical degenerative facet disease, or arthrosis, causes four potential symptoms; neck pain, headaches, arm pain and instability pain.
Cervical Degenerative Spondylolisthesis | Spine Specialist
Degenerative spondylolisthesis of the cervical spine occurs when there is a slip or shift of the upper vertebra onto the lower vertebra.
Severe bilateral foraminal stenosis in C5-6, C6-7, and C7-T1
My husband has been experiencing increasing numbness, tingling, etc, down one arm and now down both. He got an MRI and the findings were Severe bilateral foraminal ...
Cervical Nerve Injury Symptoms | Spine Specialist | Vail, Aspen, …
Symptoms of cervical nerve injuries include pain, numbness, paresthesias and possibly motor weakness that radiates into the shoulder and arm.
सर्वाइकल पेन के लक्षण, उपचार, दवा और इलाज
2024年8月4日 · Cervical Pain in Hindi - सर्वाइकल पेन का इलाज हिंदी में | अगर आप सर्वाइकल के दर्द से परेशान है तो इस लेख में दिए गए सर्वाइकल पेन के कारण …
Hello doc, I have hump in c7, t1,t2 like sticking forward, my
Hello doc, I have hump in c7, t1,t2 like sticking forward, my neck has good curve but my upper thoracic I mean t1, t2 vertebrae sticking out and rounding, from these I have pain in my …
When to Have Neck Surgery | Neck Pain | Spine Surgeon
Experiencing neck pain and wondering when to have neck surgery? Colorado spine surgeon, Dr. Corenman discusses the deciding factors of neck surgery.
C7/T1 Peek Cage - Colorado Spine Surgeon
2019年7月18日 · Good evening Dr Corenman, I thank you in advance for your continued help and informative responses. My question again is in reference to a stand alone peek cage at c7 ...
Cervical Laminectomy | Posterior Cervical Fusion
Cervical laminectomy, laminoplasty and posterior cervical fusion are all spinal procedures performed in the back of the neck.
Cervical Degenerative Kyphosis | Spine Specialist - Colorado Spine …
The reversal of the normal lordosis in the cervical spine is called a degenerative kyphosis. The change in angulation can create multiple problems.