C75 Auto 自动手枪 - R6S百科 - huiji.wiki
全自动手枪,近距离十分有效,附加延长弹匣作为前把手的设计也提供了良好的操控性。 c75 auto的原型为CZ 75冲锋手枪,最初是为执法机构和军队研制的,但产量不大。 刚开始研制时,第一种选射型的原型是在双手型的CZ85手枪的基础上改进的,设计师是Martin Kouba,该原型枪于1992年在德国IWA枪展上展出,但这个设计没获得采取。 下一个型号则是基于CZ75手枪重新设计,设计师是Alexander Koten,该枪采用了另一个叫Stanislav Strizik的工程师所设计的带快慢 …
我想问下,大家喜欢用c75 auto还是SMG12?哪个有啥优点?【彩 …
我想问下,大家喜欢用c75 auto还是SMG12? 哪个有啥优点? ... 以前smg12我都当主武器用的 现在。 C75比较好用,我大狙用C75没少打死人……西装时候用SMG12……唉一言难尽。 我想问下,大家喜欢用..我想问下,大家喜欢用c75 auto还是SMG12? 哪个有啥优点?
C75 Auto - Rainbow Six Wiki
The C75 Auto is a machine pistol featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation White Noise expansion. It is available for use by Sentry , both 707th SMB Operators, Kali , and Thorn .
C75 vs. SMG-12 - full test & comparison : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2017年12月13日 · C75 Auto: For CQC, use the C75 Auto for the higher damage and the low-first shot visible recoil, made possible by the new pistol recoil system. SMG-12: Short to mid range, can deliver a quick burst of bullets that if they find their mark will down or kill your enemy.
C75 vs. SMG-12: who wins? - Rainbow Six | Siege - VoiceTube: …
2018年1月9日 · on average the unsuppressed C75 consistently beats the SMG-12 by around 20-30 ms but add a suppressor into the mix and the tables are reversed . All of these times of course are when firing on full auto and landing body shots with a 100% hit rate .
C75 or smg 12 : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2020年10月9日 · SMG12 was the go to but ever since the recoil changes I opt for the C75. Good crosshair placement and shooting before ADS can really give you the upper hand in gunfights …
T-5 SMG 冲锋枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
C75 Auto or SMG 12 Post Nerf? : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
SMG12 has now terrible recoil but it has sights. With this recoil you have to use short bursts. So if you can handle limited fov of iron sights, C75 is a way to go. If you need reflex/reddot/holo to aim and you are willing to get used to new recoil, use smg12. Both are fine, just preference. I am very pro-sight, so I'd go with the SMG12.
枪支·C75 Auto_彩虹六号围攻第四赛季干员武器以及新图分析_3DM …
2017年11月21日 · C75 Auto. 无配件后坐力测试: 在自动手枪里数据不算突出,伤害最高同时射速也是同行中最低的,并且不能加装瞄具。 不过这把枪的有点在于连射后座应该是自动手枪里最舒服的,明显的右偏,压枪应该会比较舒服(不过还是建议点射瞄头,近身泼水)
.44 Mag Semi-Auto - Rainbow Six Wiki
"High powered, semi-automatic pistol with a small magazine and mounted low-power scope." The .44 Mag Semi-Auto is a handgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege in the Operation Wind Bastion expansion pack. It is available for use by the GIGR Operators Nomad and Kaid.