Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches Data Sheet
4 天之前 · Highest Multigigabit Ports: With standalone and Stackwise-1T, Catalyst 9300X models enable 48 mGig ports in standalone and 448 mGig ports with an 8-member stack. Highest 90W UPOE+ Density: Enable your OT/IT needs with up to 48 ports of 90W UPOE+ for standalone or 384 ports of 90W UPOE+ with an 8-member stack.
思科 Catalyst 9300 系列交换机 - Cisco
Catalyst 9300 系列专为 Cisco StackWise ®技术设计,提供灵活的部署,支持不间断转发和状态切换 (NSF/SSO),从而在可堆叠(低于 50 微秒)解决方案中实现恢复能力极强的架构。 电源架构采用 Cisco StackPower ®技术,具备极高的恢复能力和效率,可提供高密度以太网供电 Plus (PoE+) 、 60W 思科通用以太网供电(思科 UPOE)和 90W 思科 UPOE+ ©端口。 该系列交换机基于思科统一接入™数据平面 (UADP) 2.0 架构,不仅可以保护您的投资,还能扩大规模并提高吞吐量 …
© 2025 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 81 -Platform details Switch models and configurations Table 1. Product Family Configurations
C9300-48S-E Datasheet Get a Quote Overview The Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series switches are Cisco’s lead stackable enterprise switching platform built for security, IoT, mobility, and cloud. They are the next generation of the industry’s most widely deployed switching platform.
CISCO C9300-48S-E - 中关村在线
中关村在线为您提供cisco c9300-48s-e交换机最新报价,同时包括思科cisco c9300-48s-e图片、思科cisco c9300-48s-e参数、思科cisco c9300-48s-e评测行情、思科cisco c9300-48s-e论坛、思科cisco c9300-48s-e点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买cisco c9300-48s-e交换机提供有价值的参考
C9300-48S-E Catalyst 9300 48 Ports GE SFP, Network Switch (New …
2023年12月7日 · The Catalyst 9300-48S-E is a 48-port, 1G SFP network switch designed for small to medium-sized businesses and edge deployments. It is part of the Catalyst 9300 Series, a family of high-performance, stackable switches that offer advanced features and scalability.
Cisco C9300-48S-E|思科交换机|48个光口|思科光纤交换机|C9300-48S-E…
思科 ® Catalyst ® 9300 系列交换机是思科专为安全性、物联网、移动性和云打造的卓越可堆叠企业交换平台,是业界部署最广泛的下一代交换平台。 Catalyst 9300 系列交换机是软件定义接入 (SD-Access) 这一思科领先的企业架构的基本组件。 凭借最高 480 Gbps 的带宽,该系列交换机成为业界密度最高的堆叠带宽解决方案,具有无比灵活的上行链路架构。 Catalyst 9300 系列是首款专门针对高密度 Wi-Fi 6 和第二代 802.11ac 技术进行优化的平台,树立了网络规模的新标杆 …
CISCO C9300-48S-E参数 - 中关村在线
zol中关村在线思科cisco c9300-48s-e交换机参数提供最全的思科cisco c9300-48s-e参数、思科cisco c9300-48s-e规格、思科cisco c9300-48s-e性能、思科cisco c9300-48s-e功能介绍,为您购买思科cisco c9300-48s-e交换机提供有价值的参考
C9300-48S-E Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series 48 Port Switches
Catalyst 9300 Series switches form the foundational building block for Software-Defined Access (SD-Access), Cisco’s lead enterprise architecture. At up to 480 Gbps, they are the industry’s highest-density stacking bandwidth solution with the most flexible uplink architecture.
C9300-48S Datasheet(PDF) - Cisco Systems, Inc.
Highest wireless scale for Wi-Fi 6 and 802.11ac Wave 2 access points supported on a single switch with select models.
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