Cancer Antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9): Tumor Marker Blood Test
2023年6月7日 · A CA 19-9 test is one of a panel of tests used to detect early-stage cancer. As a tumor marker that’s produced by cancer and other cells in the body, CA 19-9 provides …
CA 19-9 Blood Test (Pancreatic Cancer) - MedlinePlus
2022年8月11日 · A CA 19-9 test measures the amount of a protein called CA 19-9 (cancer antigen 19-9) in a sample of your blood. CA 19-9 is a type of tumor marker. Tumor markers …
CA19-9 - Wikipedia
Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), also known as sialyl-Lewis A, is a tetrasaccharide which is usually attached to O-glycans on the surface of cells. It is known to play a role in cell-to-cell …
CA19-9 Blood Test for Pancreatic Cancer
The CA 19-9 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a simple blood test that measures the level of tumor-associated antigens found in the blood. CA 19-9 associated antigen levels are elevated in …
肿瘤标志物科普--CA19-9 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CA19-9是 胰腺癌, 胃癌,结、直肠癌、 胆囊癌 的相关标志物,大量研究证明CA19-9浓度与这些肿瘤大小有关,是至今报道的对胰腺癌敏感性最高的标志物。 胰腺癌患者85%~95%为阳 …
CA19-9腫瘤指數異常是罹癌嗎?為什麼CA19-9會偏高?6症狀當心 …
2023年5月4日 · 當發生CA19-9指數偏高,通常會建議間隔1~2個月再次抽血檢驗確認,或由醫師直接安排影像檢查,完整檢視胰臟狀態,進一步確認CA19-9指數升高是否是胰臟癌所致。 看 …
What Level Of CA 19-9 Indicates Cancer - sahyadrihospital.com
CA 19-9 (Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9) is a protein that is produced by normal cells but is often elevated in certain types of cancers. It is primarily associated with pancreatic cancer but can …
Pathology Outlines - CA 19-9
2021年6月23日 · Cite this page: Pernick N. CA 19-9. PathologyOutlines.com website. https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/stainsca19-9.html. Accessed March 7th, 2025. Serum …
糖类抗原 19-9( CA 19-9)检测的临床意义 - 梅斯医学MedSci
糖类抗原 19-9(carbohydrate antigen 19-9;CA 19-9) 一种大分子糖蛋白,属 Lewis 血型抗原类肿瘤标志物,是用结肠癌细胞株 SW1116 细胞表面分离出 来的单唾液酸神经节糖苷脂作为抗 …
Cancer Antigen 19-9: Origins, Genetics, and Testing
2 天之前 · CA 19-9 is a glycoprotein within the carbohydrate antigen family, specifically a sialylated derivative of the Lewis A (Le^a) antigen, known as sialyl-Lewis A (sLe^a). This …