The CA-7 also should be used to claim continuing compensation, when a previous CA-7 claim has been made. Collection of this information is required to obtain a benefit and is authorized by 20 C.F.R.10.102, 20 C.F.R.10.103, and 20 C.F.R.10.404.
Forms | U.S. Department of Labor
All of the Federal Employees Program's online forms (with the exception of Forms CA-16 and CA-27) are available to print and to manually fill and submit. Simply click on the appropriate form and print it using the [Print] button provided near the top of the form.
Form CA-7 - U.S. Department of Labor
Form CA-7 is used to claim compensation for wage loss while in a leave without pay (LWOP) status due to disability or absence to obtain medical treatment (after continuation of pay (COP) period for traumatic injury cases).
Filing Forms as an Injured Worker - DOL
Filing Form CA-7, Claim for Compensation. Use this form to claim compensation in an established case for traumatic injury or occupational disease. A CA-7 may be filed in ECOMP both for cases which were initially filed via ECOMP as well as those submitted by another method. Compensation may be claimed for:
20 CFR § 10.102 - LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) Form CA-7 is used to claim compensation for periods of disability not covered by COP. (1) An employee who is disabled with loss of pay for more than three calendar days due to an injury, or someone acting on his or her behalf, must file Form CA-7 before compensation can be paid.
How to File a Form - DOL
If you wish to file a claim under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA), you can file a claim using Form CA-1 (Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation) or Form CA-2 (Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation).
Form CA-20, complete items 1-3 on the front, and print the OWCP district office address on the reverse. The form should be promptly referred to the attending physician for early completion.
CA-7: Claim for Compensation | Office of Human Resources
The CA-7 must be filed electronically through the Employees’ Compensation Operations & Management Portal (ECOMP). If you do not already have an account, one must be created at http://www.ecomp.dol.gov. Please remember the following as you submit your claim: A case number from the Department of Labor is needed in order to file a CA-7.
How To Fill Out CA-7 Form – Federal Workers’ Compensation
Form CA-7 is used by federal workers seeking to claim compensation for traumatic injuries suffered while on the job, as well as those who may have sustained an occupational disease during the performance of work-related duties. This form may be …
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When a form CA-7 is filed to claim compensation for intermittent dates, an accompanying form CA-7a should be filed to provide information on specific dates and hours of compensation claimed. Click here to read or print a tutorial on filing a CA-7a in ECOMP.