The CA3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? What is it for?
The CA3 region has attracted major attention in recent years for its specific role in memory processes, susceptibility to seizures and neuro-degeneration. Internal connectivity in the CA3 subfield is more rich than in other hippocampal regions.
海马 | 海马内部记忆环路的解剖 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CA3. CA3在解剖学上可以细分为3部分,但它们共同地都接受来自DG发来的苔藓纤维输入,通过 Schaffer氏侧支 传至CA1,通过连合纤维传到对侧的海马,通过海马伞和联合前穹隆传到外侧隔核(septalnuclei)。除外来自DG的投射,CA3也接受来自前穿质通路的直接纤维传入 ...
Hippocampal subfields - Wikipedia
The hippocampal subfields are four subfields CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 that make up the structure of the hippocampus. Regions described in the hippocampus are the head, body, and tail, and other hippocampal subfields include the dentate gyrus , the presubiculum , and the subiculum .
学习与记忆(一): 海马功能在陈述性记忆形成中的作用 - 知乎
海马结构主要包括 齿状回 (dentate gyrus,DG)、CA3、CA1和 下托 (subiculum)四个结构。曾经的CA2部分,位于CA3和CA1之间,其锥体细胞偏像CA3,在研究中被忽略或并入CA3讨论。
Operation and plasticity of hippocampal CA3 circuits ... - Nature
2017年3月2日 · Recently, we have gained considerable new insight into the operation and plasticity of CA3 circuits, including the identification of novel forms of synaptic plasticity and their underlying ...
海马体 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cell | 李一丁等揭示海马CA3在记忆形成和提取中的神经机制|细胞|神经元|cell|海马ca3…
2024年10月25日 · 该研究旨在回答以下几个关键问题:1)何种形式的可塑性 (plasticity) ;2)作用在哪些突触上使CA3能够编码位置信息;3)哪些输入通路 (如有) 能够更新吸引子网络中的活动状态;以及4)如此构建的吸引子网络在理论上具备哪些潜在能力。 研究人员训练头部固定的小鼠在跑步机上探索一维迷宫以获得水奖励,同时利用全细胞记录 (whole-cell recording) 在体监测CA3椎体神经元的膜电位变化。 小鼠在熟悉任务后,约1/4 的CA3椎体神经元表现出 …
Frontiers | The CA3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? what is …
2015年2月5日 · The hippocampus proper is defined by the dentate gyrus and Cornu Ammonis (CA). While the dentate gyrus contains the fascia dentata and the hilus, the CA is anatomically and functionally differentiated into distinct subfields named CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4.
Mechanisms of memory-supporting neuronal dynamics in hippocampal area CA3
2024年10月24日 · Using intracellular V m recordings and optogenetic manipulations in behaving mice, we found that CA3 place-field activity is produced by a symmetric form of behavioral timescale synaptic plasticity (BTSP) at recurrent synapses among CA3 pyramidal neurons but not at synapses from the dentate gyrus (DG).
The CA3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? what is it
2015年2月4日 · The CA3 hippocampal region receives information from the entorhinal cortex either directly from the perforant path or indirectly from the dentate gyrus via the mossy fibers (MFs). According to their specific targets (principal/mossy cells or interneurons), MFs terminate with large boutons or small filopodial extensions, respectively. MF-CA3 synapses are characterized by a low probability of ...