Silencing CA1 pyramidal cells output reveals the role of feedback ...
2024年3月11日 · Our data reveal that chronic silencing of CA1 pyramidal cell transmission robustly reduces feedback inhibition, leading to increases in the power, duration, and intrinsic frequency of ripple...
Local activation of CA1 pyramidal cells induces theta-phase
2024年2月1日 · In CA1, an imposed excitation of PYRs was sufficient to generate precession. To investigate whether a rate increase combined with theta may suffice for synthetic precession, we repeated the imposed excitation experiment in the posterior parietal cortex (PPC; n = 22 sessions in two CaMKII::ChR2 mice; Fig. 5G ; fig. S14, A to C; and table S5).
Local hippocampal fast gamma rhythms precede brain-wide ... - Nature
2018年12月18日 · a CA1 Hippocampal LFP trace (top) time-frequency spectrograms with four LFP envelopes (middle) and regional CBV dynamics (bottom) for a typical REM sleep episode. Solid circles mark...
Theta oscillations represent collective dynamics of multineuronal ...
2023年4月12日 · Here, we simultaneously patch-clamp up to three CA1 pyramidal neurons in awake or anesthetized mice and find that the temporal evolution of the power and frequency of θ oscillations in V ms (θ Vm...
Theta oscillations as a substrate for medial prefrontal-hippocampal ...
Our results suggest that upregulated theta oscillatory firing of mPFC cells can signal transient interactions with specific CA1 assemblies, thus enabling distributed computations.
胞外电位:从现象到机制 – User's Blog!
2024年5月30日 · ca1区整合ca3的输入,并将其传递给下游脑区。 由此,我们借助spike和LFP的空间分布,初步建立起了结构和功能间的关系。 另一个常见的分析方法则是观察spike与LFP波形在时间上的相对关系。
Inferring synaptic excitation/inhibition balance from field …
2017年9月1日 · Specifically, we show that LFP-PSD slope correlates with both anatomical E:I ratio—represented by changes in synaptic density ratio across CA1 layers—and dynamic E:I ratio as modulated by theta oscillation in the rat hippocampus.
自由行为在体钙成像应用 | 频率置乱揭示记忆机制奥秘?Nature子 …
研究团队通过注入表达GCaMP6fast的病毒载体到海马CA1区域,并借助Miniscope对自由活动的小鼠进行钙成像记录,成功记录了大量CA1主要细胞的活动。 实验中,他们设计了一个任务,将线性赛道与运动传感器触发的三音调相结合,以模拟小鼠的奔跑过程。
Neuron:海马CA1神经环路调控的奥秘 - shisu.edu.cn
2021年12月27日 · 对 LFP (局部场电位)的作用. CA1 锥体细胞的电流深度分布未受影响,局部和双侧抑制 mEC 神经元放电相结合时,与单独抑制 mEC 大致相。由于 mEC 沉默会影响 CA3 区域,而 CA3 区域影响 CA1 区域,因此作者接下来研究了 CA3 输入对感染 AAV5-mDlx-ChR2-mCherry 的 CA3 锥体 ...
Cell-type-specific propagation of visual flicker - Cell Press
2023年5月30日 · Recent studies have shown a significant decrease in Alzheimer-associated beta-amyloid plugs across many cortical regions (V1, PFC, CA1, S1) following chronic 40 Hz LED flicker stimulation. 1, 3, 75 These studies also showed significant LFP-LFP coherence between the visual cortex and higher cortical regions including the PFC and CA1, which was ...