CCKB receptors mediate CCK-8S-induced activation of dorsal
Using in vivo extracellular unitary recordings of CA3 pyramidal hippocampal neurons, we compared the effect of SNF-8702, a potent selective CCKB receptor agonist, to that of CCK-8S, and assessed the effects of selective CCKA and CCKB antagonists.
Entorhinohippocampal cholecystokinin modulates spatial learning …
Here, we discover the crucial role of cholecystokinin (CCK) in heterosynaptic neuromodulation from the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) to the hippocampus. Systematic knockout of the CCK gene impairs CA3-CA1 LTP and space-related performance.
Shedding light on cholecystokinin’s role in hippocampal …
2024年4月1日 · CCK facilitates hippocampal LTP by activating CCKBR, triggering MAPK pathways, and promoting AMPA trafficking. The hippocampus is a crucial brain region involved in the process of forming and consolidating memories.
递质在癫痫发病机制中的作用 - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
在中枢神经系统内存在ccka 和cckb 受体亚型。 CCKA 受体局限地分布于中枢神经系统某些部位,而在周围神经系统却有广泛分布。 在功能上它主要与进食行为及多巴胺相关行为有关。
脑科学研究新进展:人类海马CA3使用特定的功能连接规则进行有 …
人类ca3-ca3突触非常可靠,而小鼠突触显示出显著较低的成功率(图3g)。 综合来看,可靠和精确的传递似乎是人类循环网络中突触信号的一般特征。 图3.
Interaction of cholecystokinin and glutamate agonists within the …
The interaction of sulfated cholecystokinin (CCK-8S) with excitatory amino acids (EAA) was studied on single units of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), the dentate gyrus, and the hippocampal CA3 region in rats anaesthetized with urethane. lontophoretic co-administration of small, individually ineffective currents of CCK-8S and ...
CCKB receptors mediate CCK‐8S‐induced ... - Wiley Online Library
Using in vivo extracellular unitary recordings of CA 3 pyramidal hippocampal neurons, we compared the effect of SNF-8702, a potent selective CCKB receptor agonist, to that of CCK-BS, and assessed the effects of selective CCK A, and CCK B, antagonists.
CCKB receptors mediate CCK‐8S‐induced activation ... - Semantic …
The sulphated octapeptide C‐terminal fragment of cholecystokinin (CCK‐8s) is present in high concentration in the mammalian brain, where it acts via two types of receptor denoted CCKA, and CCKB. In the dorsal hippocampus, CCK‐8S exerts a …
Cholecystokinin activates CCKB-receptor-mediated Ca-signaling in ...
The CCK-8S-induced Ca increases were blocked by the CCKB receptor antagonist PD135158 (100 nM) but not by the CCKA antagonist lorglumide (100 nM). We surmise that astrocytes might be a major primary target for CCK in the CNS.
CCK-B receptor: chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry and ...
1999年7月1日 · CCK 8 interacts with nanomolar affinities with two different receptors designated CCK-A and CCK-B. The functional role of CCK and its binding sites in the brain and periphery has been investigated thanks to the development of potent …