Human hippocampal CA3 uses specific functional connectivity …
2024年12月11日 · In contrast to neocortical networks, human hippocampal CA3 displayed sparse connectivity, providing a circuit architecture that maximizes associational power. Human synapses showed unique reliability, high precision, and long integration times, exhibiting both species- and circuit-specific properties.
Hippocampal CA3 Output Is Crucial for Ripple-Associated …
2009年6月25日 · We found that posttraining blockade of CA3 output for up to 4 weeks impairs the consolidation of contextual fear memory. Moreover, in vivo hippocampal recordings revealed a reduced intrinsic frequency of CA1 ripples and a significant decrease in the experience-dependent, ripple-associated coordinated reactivation of CA1 cell pairs.
Role of hippocampal activity-induced transcription in memory ...
The consolidation of long-term memories requires connectivity within HPC subregions (dentate gyrus [DG], CA3, CA1) forming a trisynaptic DG–CA3–CA1 loop . Specifically, excitatory glutamatergic inputs convey experiential, sensory information into entorhinal cortex (EC), from both cortical and limbic regions, such as amygdala.
Hippocampal Memory Traces Are Differentially Modulated by Experience ...
2014年7月2日 · To visualize memory traces, we created a transgenic line that allows for the comparison between cells activated during encoding and expression of a memory. Mice re-exposed to a fear-inducing context froze more and had a greater percentage of reactivated cells in the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA3 than mice exposed to a novel context.
Functional Connectivity of Hippocampal CA3 Predicts Neurocognitive ...
2020年4月2日 · Age-related memory deficits were predicted by connectivity between left CA3 and hippocampal circuitry along with connectivity between left CA1 and infralimbic prefrontal cortex. Notably, the effects of CA3 connectivity on memory performance were mediated by CA1 connectivity with prefrontal cortex.
Human hippocampal CA3 uses specific functional connectivity …
2025年1月23日 · In contrast to neocortical networks, human hippocampal CA3 displayed sparse connectivity, providing a circuit architecture that maximizes associational power. Human synapses showed unique reliability, high precision, and long integration times, exhibiting both species- and circuit-specific properties.
脑科学研究新进展:人类海马CA3使用特定的功能连接规则进行有 …
Hippocampal CA3 output is crucial for ripple-associated ... - PubMed
2009年6月25日 · We found that posttraining blockade of CA3 output for up to 4 weeks impairs the consolidation of contextual fear memory. Moreover, in vivo hippocampal recordings revealed a reduced intrinsic frequency of CA1 ripples and a significant decrease in the experience-dependent, ripple-associated coordinated reactivation of CA1 cell pairs.
【文献精读】新皮层和海马体结构形成的转录组细胞类型分类 - 知乎
2021年5月17日 · 在 CA3 亚类中,根据多种标记基因,包括 Gal、Rgs12、Glipr1、Necab1 和 Calb2(HPF 标记)确定了一个肺门苔藓细胞超型 Mossy Rgs12。 CA1、CA3 和 SUB 沿多个维度(浅表-深、近-远端和背腹)具有逐渐的基因表达和连接性变化 。