Giant synaptic potentials in immature rat CA3 hippocampal …
Intracellular recordings were made from rat CA3 hippocampal neurones in vitro during the first eighteen days of postnatal life. The cells had resting membrane potentials more negative than -51 mV, action potentials greater than 55 mV and membrane input resistances of 117 +/- …
The CA3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? What is it for?
While the dentate gyrus contains the fascia dentata and the hilus, the CA is anatomically and functionally differentiated into distinct subfields named CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4. The CA3 region has attracted major attention in recent years for its specific role in memory processes, susceptibility to seizures and neuro-degeneration.
Morphometry of the effect of increased experience and training on ...
Both measures showed that rats which were housed in an enriched environment and received 10 weeks of training had a significant increase in total area of synaptic contacts compared to both nonenriched controls and a croup with increased motor activity.
Phase locking of hippocampal CA3 neurons to distal CA1 theta ...
We studied the interregional coordination of CA3 neuronal spiking with CA1 theta oscillations by recording electrophysiological signals along the proximodistal axis of the hippocampus in rats that were performing a high-memory-demand recognition memory task adapted from humans.
Human hippocampal CA3 uses specific functional ... - Cell Press
2024年12月11日 · Combining multicellular patch-clamp recording with expansion-based superresolution microscopy and full-scale modeling, we determined the cellular and microcircuit properties of the human hippocampal CA3 region, a fundamental circuit for memory storage.
Exogenous AMPA downregulates gamma-frequency network
2023年6月29日 · However, we demonstrated that exogenous AMPA dose-dependently inhibited carbachol (CCH)-induced γ oscillation in the CA3 area of rat hippocampal slices, but the underlying mechanism is not clear. Application of AMPARs antagonist NBQX (1 μM) did not affect γ oscillation power (γ power), nor AMPA-mediated γ power reduction.
Heterogeneity within classical cell types is the rule: lessons from ...
2019年2月18日 · We focus on the mounting evidence that the classical CA3, CA1 and subiculum pyramidal cell types all exhibit prominent and spatially patterned within-cell-type heterogeneity, and suggest these...
海马 | 海马内部记忆环路的解剖 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CA3在解剖学上可以细分为3部分,但它们共同地都接受来自DG发来的苔藓纤维输入,通过 Schaffer氏侧支 传至CA1,通过连合纤维传到对侧的海马,通过海马伞和联合前穹隆传到外侧隔核(septalnuclei)。 除外来自DG的投射,CA3也接受来自前穿质通路的直接纤维传入,内侧通路多于外侧。 同时也发现同样的刺激通过这一部分引起的CA3发放会比DG快1-2ms。 CA2. 对于CA2的认识较少,也是目前的研究热点。 目前所知CA2接受内嗅皮层的II、III层的直接的前穿质投 …
The modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the …
2015年3月26日 · Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are highly expressed in the hippocampus, however, little is known about the role on hippocampal persistent γ oscillation. This study examined the effects of nicotine and selective nAChR agonists and antagonists on kainate-induced persistent γ oscillation in rat hippocampal slices.
Differential Glial Response and Neurodegenerative Patterns in
2024年11月12日 · In this study, the distinct patterns of glial response and neurodegeneration within the CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus (DG) regions of the hippocampus were examined in 5XFAD mice at 6 and 12 months of age. The primary feature of this transgenic mouse model is the rapid onset of amyloid pathology.