伊尔-14型飞机是苏联伊留申设计局在伊尔一12型运输机基础上改进设计的活塞式双发运输机。 1950年7月15日首次试飞,1954年底投入苏联民航航线使用。
List of accidents and incidents involving the Ilyushin Il-14
A CAAC Il-14 (632) struck a mountain while on approach to Xi'an, killing all 14 on board. The aircraft was flying too low during the approach; the pilot had a history of descending too low …
伊尔-14飞机,是在伊尔-12运输机基础上改进设计的,1950年7月15日首次试飞,1954年开始投入使用。 伊尔-14为活塞式双螺旋桨型设计,时速为412公里,最大航程1785公里,可载乘 …
Ilyushin Il-14 - Wikipedia
The Ilyushin Il-14 (NATO reporting name: Crate) is a Soviet twin-engine commercial and military personnel and cargo transport aircraft that first flew in 1950, and entered service in 1954. The …
伊尔-14运输机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1958年4月5日,从成都飞往北京的中国民航成都管理处伊尔-14型632号飞机在陕西 佛坪 四方台山撞山坠毁,机上9名乘客及5名机组人员全部罹难,是为 中国民航 (CAAC)首次空难。
611 | Ilyushin IL-14 | Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC ...
(MSN:10611) This retired IL14 of ex-CAAC has been stored at the Guangzhou Aviation School since late 1980s,but it's still in good status as training equipment for aviation. The 4 Chinese …
666 - CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China (Ilyushin Il-14)
1999年11月5日 · Detailed information about 666, a Ilyushin Il-14 operated by CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China. Check out history, photos, and more on PlaneLogger.
Aircraft Photo of 666 | Ilyushin Il-14P | CAAC - Civil Aviation ...
Aircraft photo of 666 - Ilyushin Il-14P - CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China, taken by Phil at Beijing / Air and Space Museum [ Off-Airport ] in China on 10 September 2019 at the Beijing …
Aircraft Photo of 652 | Ilyushin Il-14 | CAAC - Civil Aviation ...
Aircraft photo of 652 - Ilyushin Il-14 - CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China, taken by AirHistory.net Photo Archive at Yangon - International (VYYY / RGN) in Myanmar in April 1956.
611 | Ilyushin IL-14 | Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC ...
2004年3月6日 · Shot inside the cockpit of this CAAC IL14 which was out of service from CAAC and had been stored at Guangzhou Avitaion School for over 14 years. Looking through the …
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