Together, we give more | Charities Aid Foundation
CAF is a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work. For over a century, we’ve led the way in developing innovative approaches to giving.
World Giving Index - Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
“The generosity of people around the world is evident in CAF’s latest World Giving Index, with the global index score at its joint highest level, only previously matched during the pandemic. The research demonstrates how people from all continents and cultures remain ready to help those in need, during a year of continued economic and ...
Find a charity and donate | CAF - Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
Find a rewarding and meaningful career at CAF, where together, we give more. Use our charity database to search and donate to the organisations that mean the most to you. You can donate using your CAF account, debit card, credit card or PayPal. If you'd prefer to donate anonymously, tick the box when selecting your donation amount.
CAF America - Give Anywhere Safely
CAF America is a global grantmaking organization; we streamline giving and help donors support great causes all around the world.
Charities Aid Foundation - Wikipedia
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is a registered UK charity [2] that operates in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. It works with companies, private philanthropists, regular donors, fellow foundations, governments, charities and not-for-profit enterprises to enable them to give more.
What We Do - CAF America
CAF America helps donors make strategic and focused philanthropic decisions that are fully compliant with all regulations and have a lasting impact on the causes and communities they want to support. Create a legacy of global giving by supporting the issues and organizations that are aligned with your philanthropic goals.
CAF American Donor Fund
CAF and CAF America created the CAF American Donor Fund (CADF) for dual U.S./U.K. taxpayers. Whether you are an individual or company, you may receive a tax deduction in the U.S. or claim a Gift Aid* in the U.K.
One-off donations, long-term giving and philanthropy | CAF
From one-off donations, to long-term giving, or your own philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions. Over the last 100 years, we have led the way in developing innovative approaches to giving, helping generous donors distribute £1 billion to charities around the globe annually.
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) - LinkedIn
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is a group of charitable organisations in the UK and North America – CAF in the UK, CAF America, CAF Canada, and the American...
CAF America Profile - Fidelity Charitable
CAF America is a U.S. public charity that has been helping donors achieve their international charitable giving goals since 1992. CAF America’s core mission is to streamline charitable giving through donor-advised giving, driven by their industry-leading organizational vetting and due diligence protocols.