【图片】关于特拉维夫CAG的MCX的一些小细节【枪炮世界吧】_ …
CAG GUN - From Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week
So is this replacing the HK416 that they typically run, or is the CSAW just an occasional mission-dependant item, like the LVAW?
CAG现役武器配置详解,含HK416等装备 - 百度贴吧
What is CAG using these days in terms of rifles? : r/JSOCarchive - Reddit
Currently the MCX CSAW (5.56 black non-ambi spear lt with 10.3 barrel), MCX LVAW (.300blk gen1 MCX) and the good old tanodized HK416Ds (10.4 barrel and geissele rail)
辐射4 SIG MCX Spear LT (CAG CSAW) Mod VV1.5 下载- 3DM Mod站
2024年6月30日 · 在3DM Mod站下载辐射4最新的SIG MCX Spear LT (CAG CSAW) Mod,由ArchangelOPS制作。 遥遥领先 遥遥领先二代在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。
SIG CSAW proprietary SLX556C-QD. Thanks u/teppojien for the …
There's also a story about how KAC engineers refused to shorten the SR-25 into a carbine for CAG because they thought a short barrel SR-25 could not cycle properly. Until CAG armours put a homemade SR-25K in front of them and how shocked KAC engineers were.
CAG定制MCX CSAW 不一样的SIG_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
李嘎迷彩搭配MC装具效果展示,【CAG分享】三角洲多面手谈最爱哪种活,“死亡不是终点,遗忘才是。 ”,CAG 操作员清理 MOUT - r-JSOCarchive
三角洲CAG御用的西格绍尔mcx lvaw 复刻介绍 (油管搬运)_哔哩哔 …
讲解欣赏一下吧! ,MCX厨来啦! SIG MCX SCOMO,第一梯队空特打LVAW,这后坐力赶紧有点大啊,【辐射4】泷奈 SAG AK105 MK3更新& CAG CSAW发布,前游骑兵RRC评价CAG和DEVGRU谁更能胜任人质救援,西格绍尔SPEAR-LT步枪 (GBB),地面部队 - LVAW(创意工坊模 …
CAG用MCX CSAW LT套装八月落地,组装中
2024年7月14日 · SDGunCAG用MCX CSAW LT套装八月落地,组装中SDGUN,水弹,水弹枪,水弹论坛
Toxicant Spear LT,6mm,10.5”Close Support Assault Weapon (CSAW…
Toxicant Spear LT,5.56mm,10.5”Close Support Assault Weapon (CSAW] Aluminum CNC Parts: - Receiver- Outer Barrel 10.5 Inch- Chamber Dial Set- Gas Block- LT Hand Guard Steel CNC Parts: -14mm CCW Flash Hider - Trigger ASSY - Bolt Carrier ASSY ( DLC finish ) " Diamond Like Carbon Plastic Parts: - Simulated Grip Full kit do