My CAG M4 MRE rifle work-in-progress : r/MilitaryARClones - Reddit
2021年10月10日 · From the very first prototypes to the Block II M4A1s on frontline service in USSOCOM, we embrace all the specialized variants of the Black Rifle, even those fighting under other flags. If you like r/RetroAR but want modern stuff, this place is for you! Here’s my early 2000s CAG/Delta Force M4 with Knights MRE rail mock up.
Modern CAG Assaulter Loadout - The Reptile House
2019年4月14日 · The modern CAG blaster is typically a tan anodised HK416D, equipped with a DDC Geissele SMR, FDE Crane or Magpul CTR stock, tan Wilcox riser, a tan EOtech XPS (I’m using an EXPS), a tan LA5, a tan old gen Surefire M600C, and a tan Surefire 556RC can.
Delta Force: Exploring the Elite Combat Applications Group of the …
2025年1月21日 · Often referred to as “The Unit,” “Task Force Green”, “D-Boys,” simply “Delta,” and most recently known as the Combat Applications Group (CAG). This highly specialized and secretive unit is renowned for conducting some of the most dangerous and challenging missions in …
Can I have a Knight's MRE Discussion/Pic Thread? - AR15.COM
2018年8月10日 · Up til this year KAC MRE's were hard to come by. With the re-release we are seeing them more but not as much as I think we should. So here it goes: Post pictures of your Knight's Armament MRE build or MRE's in the wild. If It gains traction I'll change the title to "The Official Knight's MRE Thread" A few of mine
No more of this non clone bullshit. The definitive CAG MRE.
2023年6月4日 · GMB Solutions is the way to go. He’s the only one using the correct buttons right now. Is the MRE upside down? I e never held one in person, but it looks like the toprail is lower than the receiver rail. Maybe it's just the camera perspective. Sick build either way. I love the car stock with buttpad and qd. That's how I run my block ii 14.5.
三角洲的未来之枪?——加拿大柯尔特MRR - 哔哩哔哩
MRR系列于2017年初推出市场,根据迪玛科官网的数据,MRR共有三种护木和枪管长度(8.5寸、11.6寸和18.6寸),原厂支持5.56mmNATO、7.62mmNATO和.300BLK三种口径,其中10寸护木配合16寸枪管的型号被加拿大陆军采用并定名为C8A4。 当然,基于AR的高自由度定制能力,用户也能根据自己的爱好和需求转换为其他长度和口径。
CAG玩家造型交流:探究真相与搭配建议 - 百度贴吧
国内素有八十万之称的cag造型大潮似乎从未减弱过生命力。 其中水平参差不齐,绝大多数都徘徊于射友自创的“xx风格”,看到mc就联想到sfodd,槽点无数 a.复制人玩法。别人用啥我(原品/复刻,不然就找自己认为样子接近的款式代替)就用啥。
CAG 进度更新贴 mre m4 2.0 - 百度贴吧
CAG 进度更新贴 ..redi mag v2.0初版待改更新mrem4 3.0整点老东西 【图片】CAG 进度更新贴 mre m4 2.0【arma3吧】_百度贴吧 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 地图 采购
CAG MRE build questions : r/MilitaryARClones - Reddit
2023年11月21日 · You would be correct. Before the SPR mount was developed CAG was using 5/8” risers and LT123 rings. Based on that setup I’d say that’s an early MRE picture. Edit: stand corrected. Peq15 on top so even the short dots are being kept up with their OG mount setup.
SOPMOD M4 - 枪炮世界
第1代SOPMOD M4 的主要承包商是KAC 公司, 主要模块包括一个有上下左右四段M1913 标准 导轨的 RIS 护木,安装在柯尔特公司生产的重型枪管 M4A1 上。 其他的部件还包括截 短了枪管的快卸M203A2榴弹发射器及其瞄准具、一个KAC 快速拆卸(QD)消声器、 KAC后备照门、一支战术灯、一个AN/PEQ-2可见光/红外激光指示器,还有Trijicon的ACOG和反射式瞄准镜及一个夜视瞄准镜,但也有许多士兵把Trijicon反射瞄准镜换成M68 CCO或EOTech全息瞄准镜。 SOPMOD …