Understanding CAI and CACI Certification Reports - PP&P Mag
Compounding aseptic isolators (CAIs) are used for non-hazardous sterile compounding and serve the same purpose as laminar airflow workstations (LAFWs) in providing product protection. However, because the construction of CAIs is somewhat more complex than LAFWs, additional tests are required to ensure proper operation.
Aseptic Containment Isolator vs Biological Safety Cabinet
Aseptic Containment Isolators (CACI) and Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) are a type of containment cabinet commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry. These two devices were designed and created to shield laboratory workers from inhaling toxic agents and prevent the spread of infectious microorganism around the laboratory.
Compounding Aseptic Isolators | Lab Safety Corporation - VALITEQ
Compounding Aseptic Isolator (CAI) refers to several types of glovebox-type engineering controls that have different design characteristics and uses. There are also design differences that affect the staging, aseptic, and sanitizing techniques that …
Cleanroom Glossary and Definitions: USP 797, USP 795, USP 800
2018年4月24日 · CAI Compounding Aseptic Isolator (CAI): An isolator specifically designed for compounding sterile, non-hazardous pharmaceutical ingredients or preparations. A CAI shall not be used for the manipulation of HDs.
Aseptic Compounding Isolators – Lewis Testing Services, Inc.
Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator (CACI) is designed to provide worker protection from exposure to undesirable levels of airborne drug throughout the compounding and material transfer processes and to provide an aseptic environment for compounding sterile preparations via negative pressure.
Be Prepared: New Rules for Compounding Aseptic Isolators
2015年12月23日 · Since the first publication of USP’s General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations, compounding aseptic isolators (CAI) have offered the most economical alternative to constructing a dedicated cleanroom for sterile compounding. However, pharmaceutical compounding standards have undergone a major overhaul in recent ...
Pharmacy Purchasing & Products Magazine - pppmag.com
When considering the purchase of a compounding aseptic isolator (CAI) or compounding aseptic containment isolator (CACI) for your pharmacy, there are many factors to keep in mind. While these devices are becoming more popular, they are still not as widely used as biological safety cabinets (BSCs) or laminar airflow workbenches.
CAIs/CACIs (Compounding Aseptic Isolators & Compounding …
Q: What are the considerations for decontaminating a CACI?
Difference between Isolators and Biological Safety Cabinets.
A Compounding Aseptic Isolator (CAI) is used to produce a positive pressure controlled environment while dealing with non-hazardous materials. A Compounded Aseptic Containment Isolator (CACI) is used to establish a negative pressure controlled environment for handling hazardous materials.
According to USP, what are the differences between CAI/CACI …
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