Red service ribbon - CAP Talk
2019年1月29日 · Negative. You cannot do a Red Service Ribbon on eServices. You must fill out a paper CAPF 2a and submit it to your squadron commander for approval, and then, he sends it up the chain for approval per wing directive as appropriate. Once approved, then you can add it in under previously approved service ribbons. Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk
Verification process for the recruiting ribbon - CAP Talk
2016年5月11日 · And I've always told my cadets "Fill out the CAPF 2A, and in the remarks section put down the name and CAPID of the two cadets you recruited." I then cross check, because the "recruiter's" name & CAPID didn't always make it onto the CAPF 12 or 15, and in 99% of the cases I know, that cadet knows he "did the work" to get a particular cadet into ...
Service Ribbons on eServices - CAP Talk
2017年8月23日 · Was a CAPF 2A sent up the chain for approval? The ability to enter the service awards is for previously earned, not new awards. I don't see how a deputy commander would be the approving authority when the regs say commander (unit, group, wing) is the approving authority. No deputies or vices.
Electronic Form 2a - CAP Talk
2014年4月30日 · Electronic Form 2a. Started by Brit_in_CAP, April 30, 2014, 05:40:12 PM. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.
Where to Send 2A for Transfer to Patron Status
2015年2月17日 · Where does one send the CAPF 2A for a member that is being transferred to patron status? CAPR 39-2 just says that "The original copy of the CAPF 2A will be forwarded directly to National Headquarters". Anybody know an email or specific directorate that it goes to?
Find ribbon criteria - CAP Talk
2005年6月26日 · 4) Be certified on a CAPF 2a by the wing commander (or delegate) to wear the ribbon. Further guidance can be found in CAPR 39-3, Section A, 21.d. For your situation, if the target was a practice ELT, then no. If you happened to be at a SAREX and your team was tasked to find an actual ELT (and you found it), then yes.
Red Service Ribbon - CAP Talk
2014年3月26日 · Submit the CAPF 2a to your unit commander or designee such as Deputy Commander, Personnel Officer, Administration Officer, etc. depending upon your local procedures. It should eventually be be approved by the wing commander or whichever echelon commander has been delegated with the authority to award the …
Awards in eServices - CAP Talk
2018年3月5日 · Recruiter ribbon, community service, etc are not recorded using the CAPF 120. Instead, these are done using the CAPF2a. Now, the CAPF 2a is not electronic on eServices. However, you can record previous awards on eServices. I have all of mine inputted into eServices. The member can go into eServices, click on their name in the upper right.
Cadet specialty tracks - CAP Talk
2018年4月23日 · may be documented by completion of a CAPF 2a, Request for and Approval of Personnel Actions, and retained in the cadet's personnel file. The wear of the badge as a cadet does not translate to the earned technician rating once a cadet becomes a senior member. Cadets who become senior members will need to complete all of
Must something special be done for Leadership Ribbon? - CAP Talk
2014年2月1日 · RE: CAPR 50-17 Para 4-3 which states in part "Request authorization for wear of the ribbon on the CAPF 2a." Camas, you are correct, CAPR 50-17 para. 4-3 does state: "Include in Block VII the name of the award, date unit commander approved technician rating, and the specialty track number" in CAPF 2a.