*If you are not a US Citizen, are you an alien admitted for permanent residence with a Form I-551?
Answer all questions as accurately as possible so that the activity or encampment staff can make themselves aware of any pre-existing medical problems or conditions and be alert to help you. This form will also provide medical information in a case when you are unable to do so.
GENERAL INFORMATION: This CAPF 104 has been designed to be printed on standard 8.5” by 11” paper and folded in half so that crews can easily use them in the cockpit, attached to kneeboards. Crews will be able to complete them online in WMIRS and print out the form or save it in WMIRS as well.
Forms - Civil Air Patrol
Squadron SER-AL-090 is being deactivated, after many years of service, on October 1st, 2024. If anyone is looking for information on joining civil air patrol, please consider one of the other squadrons in the area. Volunteers serving America's communities, saving lives, and shaping futures. © 2025 Civil Air Patrol. All rights reserved.
Yes No (Must possess current alien registration receipt card [Form I-151 or I-551]) B. Valid proof of identity provided to unit commander (check item presented): U.S. Passport Permanent Resident Card (I-551) Certified copy of Birth Certificate Social Security Card Drivers License or State Issued ID ... CAP FORM 12, FEB 14 REVERSE.
Download and print a CAP Form 5. You can find this at the National Headquarters forms page (link above). This two-page form is required to be printed double-sided on a single piece of paper. Fill out the top of the form.
EMERGENCY INFORMATION (Insurance/Physician Information, Emergency Contacts, Minor Consents Name (Last, First, Middle) Grade CAPID Charter Number Mailing Address (Number and Street) City State Zip Code (Area Code) Home Phone (Area Code) Cell Phone Primary Insurance Information (Please attach copy of insurance cards, front and back)
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2024 | UPSC
2024年4月24日 · CAPF_AC_2024_FictFee_Eng_30052024.pdf: 30/05/2024: Press Note : PressNote-CAPF-24-engl-260724.pdf: 26/07/2024: e - Admit Card : 26/07/2024: Examination Time Table : TT-CAPF-24-engl-250624.pdf: 25/06/2024: Question Paper : GENERAL ABILITY AND INTELLIGENCE, GENERAL STUDIES, ESSAY …
Traveling by land, sea, or air in US military, commercial, or privately owned vehicles from regular place or residence to the site of the activity or encampment, travel incident to the activity or encampment, and subsequent return to place of residence.
Answer all questions as accurately as possible so that the activity or encampment staff can make themselves aware of any pre-existing medical problems or conditions and be alert to help you. This form will also provide medical information in a case when you are unable to do so.