Yak 55 SP 3.3m (40%) - CARF-Models
The CARF-Models 3.3m Yak-55SP has been resurrected and transformed into a market leading, top modern aerobatic design but has not lost it's all time flair of classy "extravaganza".
Yak-55SP 131" from CARF - AIR-RC
The CARF-Models 3.3m Yak-55SP has been resurrected and transformed into a market leading, top modern aerobatic design but has not lost it's all time flair of classy "extravaganza".
NEW: Yak 55 SP 3.3m - CARF-Models
Our revived Yak 55 SP 3.3m !! This completely revised first prototype is equipped with a magnesium Desert Aircraft DA-200. What's new: - new positions for all servos - new cowling - …
Instructions for Yak 55SP IMAC-Airplane Thank you very much for purchasing our Composite-ARF Yak 55SP 2.1m (83” span) all compos-ite aircraft, made with the revolutionary Total Area …
3.0M CARF YAK 55SP - FlyingGiants
2008年3月12日 · Having flown the 3m 260 at the latter part of the year & started practicing with the 3m Yak for the 2008 season, it is very apparent that these two aircraft require different …
Carf Yak 55 3.3M NEW - FlyingGiants
2024年9月6日 · Here is a newly built Carf Yak 55 3.3M (131 in wingspan) in the one of a kind custom Russian Thunder scheme. Aircraft has a total of 7 successful test flights most in which …
CARF 2.1m Yak 55 - FlyingGiants
2008年11月16日 · It was a great flying plane, balanced well and very stable. Floats in for a very predictable landing... have fun, and always remember to test the sticks before hitting full …
Carf yak 55-sp rtf - RC Groups
2023年2月28日 · HD HV 416.oz servos with big aluminum servo arms. Has an AR touch screen distribution box and a carbon fiber dual rudder tray. Two 5000mah Lipo receiver batteries for …
YAK 54, 3D 64" (ARF) | Seagull Model - Legend Hobby
Unleash your aerobatic prowess with the Seagull Model YAK 54 3D 64" (ARF). Designed for intermediate and advanced sport flyers, this semi-scale aircraft offers the perfect blend of ease …
Instructions for YAK 55SP Airplane Thank you very much for purchasing our Composite-ARF YAK 55SP all composit e aircraft, made using Total Area Vacuum Sandwich (TAVS) technology. It …