Student visa : Your course - GOV.UK
You must have an unconditional offer of a place on a course with a licensed student sponsor. To prove this, your education provider will send you a reference number (called a Confirmation of...
Creating a CAS: guide for education sponsors, SMS guide 4a
2013年8月1日 · Use this guide to determine what information is necessary in each field of the CAS. Updated with guidance applicable from 1 December 2020. A step-by-step guide to …
Creating and assigning CAS: SMS manual 4 - GOV.UK
2013年8月1日 · Step-by-step guide to creating and assign a CAS. This document should be viewed with the SMS guide 4a. Updated in line with changes to the Immigration Rules on 11 October 2021. Guide updated to...
CAS number frequently asked questions | International students
The CAS number links to an electronic record on the UKVI database, and so you will only need to enter the number on your visa application. However, you may wish to print a copy of your CAS Statement for your own use as it will only be available online until 8 weeks after your start date.
Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is an electronic document that generates a reference number you need to be able to apply for a visa. A CAS number confirms to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) that we wish to sponsor your study in the UK .
Getting your CAS | The Student Hub | University of Southampton
You need a CAS number to apply for a Student visa. The CAS number is a unique alphanumeric code that links to a virtual document on the UK Visa & Immigration (UKVI) online Sponsorship Management System. The CAS statement is information about you and your intended programme of study contained in the virtual document shared with UKVI.
英国签证必备的CAS到底是何方神圣?怎么我还没收到 - 知乎
什么是cas? CAS的英文全称叫做Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies,是学校出具的一份官方确认文件,确认了我们就读的学校、专业、学制、开学日期及预交学费金额等等信息,同时这也是签证必须的材料之一。
英国-什么是CAS及如何检查CAS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CAS的全称是 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies,是英国学校向英国边境管理局申请,由英国学校发给即将赴英留学,申请学生签证的每一位学生的特定的电子参考号码,此号码是由大写字母和数字组成,共14位。 CAS是申请英国学生签证的必须材料, 是能否顺利获得签证,前往英国的关键因素。 CAS没有所谓的原件材料,是英国学校以电子邮件的形式发给学生,可以是Word文档、PDF、甚至图片等格式,CAS号码仅用于申请CAS邮件中所提到的课程签证。 申请签证 …
联合CAS政策是什么?我们如何应用? - 知乎专栏
联合CAS(英文Joint CAS/Combined CAS/Integrated CAS)是针对需要读语言课程的同学的签证,也就是语言课+硕士正课联合签证。 学校将语言课和硕士正课CAS合并在一起,只开具一张CAS letter用于整个留学阶段的签证申请。
Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) | University of ...
Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) is an electronic record produced by the University and shared with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). A CAS is required for your Student Visa application. A CAS will be generated by the University for students who meet the eligibility requirements and need to apply for a Student Visa.
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