Operator's Manual: Models CB-1400, CB-1800, and CB-2800 1-1 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION Guide to this Manual This manual contains all the information necessary to safely install and operate the Clean Burn Furnace Models CB-1400, CB-1800, and CB-2800. Consult the Table of Contents for a detailed list of topics covered.
Clean Burn Waste Oil Furnace | Products - Master Burn
Clean Burn CB-1400 Waste Oil Furnace The CB-1400 is Clean Burn's smallest waste oil furnace with an output rated at 140,000 BTU/hr. Its ideal for small garages, shops, and other work-spaces.
Model CB-1400 Furnace | Yankee Service Company
The Clean Burn Model CB-1400 is the smallest and most economical Clean Burn used-oil furnace in terms of initial cost. It produces approximately 140,000 BTU/hr. and is ideal for small garages, shops, and workspaces.
CB-1400 Clean Burn Furnace - Master Burn
Clean Burn CB-1400 Waste Oil Furnace The CB-1400 is Clean Burn's smallest waste oil furnace with an output rated at 140,000 BTU/hr. Its ideal for small garages, shops, and other work-spaces.
Parts Breakdown, for model CB-1400 (Cleanburn - Equipment …
Electrical Box, 4-11/16 Sq. Bushing, 3/4 x 1/4 BR.
CLEAN BURN CB1400 - Waste Oil Heater Forum
2013年12月28日 · Clean Burn recommends burner rebuilds every year with a service kit installed. I recommend every 2-3 years with a service kit as long as you turn the power off in the Summer. I make sure the inside of the preheat block is shiny in every passage otherwise any carbon left behind will break loose and cause a restriction.
View and Download CLEAN BURN CB-1400 operator's manual online. MULTI-OIL FURNACE. CB-1400 furnace pdf manual download.
Cleanburn Waste Oil Heaters - Whitten Enterprises
The Clean Burn Model CB-1400 is the smallest and most economical Clean Burn used-oil furnace in terms of initial cost. It produces approximately 140,000 BTU/hr. and is ideal for small garages, shops, and workspaces.
Model CB-1400 - Vehicle Service Pros
2009年7月31日 · The Clean Burn Model 1400 is the smallest and most economical Clean Burn used-oil furnace in terms of initial costs. It produces approximately 140,000 BTU/hr. and is ideal for small garages, shops and workspaces.
CB-1400 MP - buildops.com
With its high efficiency and low emissions, the CB-1400 is perfect for a wide variety of applications including commercial, industrial, and residential. The CB-1400 features an advanced combustion system that burns fuel cleanly and efficiently, resulting in less smoke, soot, and odor.