Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features - UpCodes
The provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, systems and assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fire-resistance -rated construction separation of adjacent spaces to safeguard against the spread of fire and smoke within a …
Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features
The fire-resistance rating of penetrations and fire-resistant joint systems shall be determined in accordance Sections 714 and 715, respectively.
714.4.2 - ICC Digital Codes
The California Building Code (CBC) contains general building design and construction requirements relating to fire and life safety, structural safety, and access compliance.
714.4.1 - ICC Digital Codes
CBC provisions provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures and certain equipment.
Chapter 7 Fire and Smoke Protection Features - UpCodes
About this chapter: Chapter 7 provides detailed requirements for fire-resistance -rated construction, including structural members, walls, partitions and horizontal assemblies. Other portions of the code describe where certain fire-resistance -rated elements are required.
Penetrations - UpCodes
Such penetrations shall be protected in accordance with Section 714. There shall not be penetrations or communication openings, whether protected or not, between adjacent interior exit stairways and ramps. Exception: Membrane penetrations shall be permitted on the outside of the interior exit stairway and ramp.
2022年6月9日 · 714.1.1 Ducts and air transfer openings. Penetrations of fire-resistance-rated walls by ducts that are not protected with dampers shall comply with Sections 714.3 through 714.4.3. Penetrations of horizontal assemblies not protected with a shaft as permitted by Section 717.6, and not required to be protected with fire dampers by other
SECTION - Digital Codes
Penetrations of horizontal assemblies not protected with a shaft as permitted by Section 717.6, and not required to be protected with fire dampers by other sections of this code, shall comply with Sections 714.4 through 714.4.2.2.
International Building Code Section 714 – International Building …
International Building Code 714.1. Requirements. The fire-resistance rating of structural members and assemblies shall comply with the requirements for the type of construction and shall not be less than the rating required for the fire-resistance-rated assemblies supported. Exception: Fire barriers, fire partitions and smoke barriers
714.4.2 Membrane penetrations. - American Legal Publishing
The ceiling membrane of 1- and 2-hour fire-resistance-rated horizontal assemblies is permitted to be interrupted with the double wood top plate of a wall assembly that is sheathed with Type X gypsum wallboard, provided that all penetrating items through the double top plates are protected in accordance with Section 714.4.1.1 or 714.4.1.2 and ...