我們的教會是一個單純以聖經為信仰基礎,不分派別的基督教會。我們誠摯地歡迎您!盼望您在這裏享受到神的同在和友情的溫暖,心靈得著飽足和滋潤。 We welcome and incorporate all people to worship, fellowship, and serve with us, regardless of background.
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston - Official MapQuest
CBCGB, lovingly referred to as "cabbage" by its members, is a great community of Christ-loving... Own this business? See a problem? Get more information for Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston in Lexington, MA. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.
Welcome | CBCGB
We are a Bible-centered, non-denominational Christian church. The size of the current Chinese congregation is about 700. Besides the main campus in Lexington, there are two more campuses: one in the city of Boston and one in the south of Boston metropolitan. All …
cbcgb. 我們 信仰 迎新 歷史 牧者 長老 執事 辦公室 會衆 行事曆 常見問題 聯繫我們 主日 主日敬拜 主日學 崇拜事工 交通 事工 事工概覽 ...
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston - CBCGB
Welcome to CBCGB! We are an evangelical, non-denominational, Christian church. We welcome and incorporate all people to worship, fellowship, and serve with us, regardless of your background. If you are looking for information on our English ministry, please …
Who We Are | Cross Bridge
Our map is a picture of how the church will accomplish its mission on the broadest level. Sundays at Cross Bridge is a place for us to gather together to worship God. Groups are a place for us to grow spiritually as we seek to be a bridge to others. Trios are a place for us to go deep as we walk together living out God’s mission.
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston - BusinessYab
Chinese Bible Church Of Greater Boston Visit Website. 149 Spring St, Lexington, MA, 02421. Map +1 (781)- 863 - 1755. Category : ... Find local listings of businesses and ... Cross Bridge - A Ministry of CBCGB. Welcome to Cross Bridge!
City Light – A CBCGB Ministry – Chinese Christian church in …
週五晚上7:00 晚餐、查經. 我們共有五個團契,分佈在三個不同地點. 請點擊下方按鈕根據您的身份和地理位置選擇合適的團契. 城光堂 | City Light A Ministry of CBCGB 歡 迎 你 聚會信息 城 光 堂City Light 歡 迎 你 聚會信息 A Ministry of CBCGB 聚 會 信 息 主 日 崇 拜 週日午餐 12:30–1:15 pm主日崇拜 1:30–2:45 pm 點擊此處參加線上崇拜青少年與兒童與主日學 1:30–2:45 ...
Google Maps - Direction to our Church. Church Address: 38 Weston Avenue, Quincy MA. Phone: 617-479-3531. Website: www.cbcogb.org. Email: [email protected]. Other Church Web Sites: 新英格蘭地區華人教會 New England Chinese Churches. 美加華人浸信會聯會 Chinese Baptist Fellowship of United States and Canada. 波士頓華人浸信教會歡迎你! WELCOME.
CBCGB CBE Updates教会扩建更新
The Church Building Expansion (CBE) supports those that spiritually lead us, prioritizes youth, expands space for adult ministries and fellowship groups, allows personalization of Sunday service space, and broadens our hospitality potential for internal growth and local community outreach opportunities; we aim to make connections and relationshi...