Gamma Knife® icon CBCT offers improved localization workflow …
2019年10月6日 · With the advent of the Gamma Knife® (GK) Icon (Elekta, Sweden), image-guided radiosurgery is now possible for this treatment unit. The Icon has the same delivery and patient positioning system as the Perfexion model, but has the addition of a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging arm and an intrafraction motion management (IFMM) system.
Quality assurance tests for the Gamma Knife® Icon™ image …
2018年8月3日 · The Icon comes with a Cone-beam CT (CBCT) system that can be used for defining the Leksell stereotactic space using imaging without the need for the traditional frame system. CBCT is also used in pretreatment for determining any translational and rotational shifts of the patient skull with respect to the reference CBCT image.
Characterization and commissioning of a Leksell Gamma Knife ICON …
2022年1月22日 · The Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon Unit (IU) was developed as an update to the previous Perfexion Unit (PU) model, implementing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and intra-fraction motion management (IFMM) systems.
GK Icon Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) •Characteristics: - SAD: 790mm, SDD: 1000mm - Recon. volume: 224 x 224 x 224mm3 - Cone angle: 15°, Fan angle: 16° - Scan time:30s, Flex < 0.2mm •Detector: - Layers: CsI, TFT (amorphous Si) - 780 x 720 pixels, pixel size = 0.368 mm •X-ray tube: –Energy range: 70-120 kVp. –Spot size: 0.6 mm
什么是CBCT?它和CT有什么区别? - 知乎专栏
CBCT是 Cone Beam CT 的简称,也就是锥形束CT,Cone是圆锥、圆锥形的意思;Beam是指(粒子的)束,比如光束、电子束等。 既然叫锥形束CT,那么就是和传统的诊断医学CT有区别,我们传统的诊断CT出的X射线束是类似于扇形束Fan Beam,这个扇形束有一定的厚度,但是不 ...
Commissioning of the Leksell Gamma Knife ® Icon™ - PubMed
Purpose: The Leksell Gamma Knife (LGK) Icon has been recently introduced to provide Gamma Knife technology with frameless stereotactic treatments which use an additional cone-beam CT (CBCT) imaging system and a motion tracking system (IFMM, Intra …
醫療新知】什麼是ICON™伽瑪刀 #放射外科治療 #CBCT
icon™ 伽瑪刀是一組放射外科治療專用系統,被廣泛用於各種腦部疾病的放射治療。 正常健康組織在接受伽瑪刀治療時的受照劑量在同類設備中為最低。
2019年3月3日 · 他表示,带有CBCT图像引导的Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon™因其独特功能实现了以超高精确度治疗颅脑疾病,可称之为当今放疗领域精确的立体定向放射外科治疗设备;它的推出,突破了颅脑放射外科系统传统的疆界阻隔,再次更新了精确立体定向放射外科的理念,意味 ...
(PDF) Gamma Knife ® icon CBCT offers improved ... - ResearchGate
2019年10月6日 · While the fiducial method is the traditional method of localization, CBCT is now available for use with the Gamma Knife Icon. This study seeks to determine whether a difference exists between...
Cone beam computed tomography - Wikipedia
Cone beam computed tomography (or CBCT, also referred to as C-arm CT, cone beam volume CT, flat panel CT or Digital Volume Tomography (DVT)) is a medical imaging technique consisting of X-ray computed tomography where the X-rays are divergent, forming a cone.