DONGIL 80 Series CBM | Kouei Japan Trading | Get Quotation
The CBM-80 series, which improved welding efficiency remarkably, can not only shorten the working hours but also guarantee the excellent slag removability and top quality of backside bead formation (Smooth and clean).
CBM-80 seriesは東一セーラミックスを代表する製品で朝鮮, 海洋, プラント及びその他の鉄構造物製作に使用されている。 CBM-80 series는 내열성이 강화된 점착제를 사용한 알루미늄 테이프와 열충격에 강한 재질로 되어있는 세라믹 블록으로 구성된다. The CBM-80 series consist of aluminum adhesive tape, which is specially designed for the heat resistance, and ceramic blocks, which can resist strong heat shock.
CMB-8065W - Komarine
Features of CBM 80 Series. - The CBM-80 series can be used for most types of one-sided welding, including FCAW and GMAW. - The CBM-80 series can be applied to all welding posture (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G). backside bead formation (Smooth and clean).
用途はCBM-8065Wと同一で耐熱性がもっと優れていて高入熱 作業に適する。 FCAW, GMAW CBM-8065W와 동일한 용도이나, 백비드를 형성함. The same uses as CBM-8065W but suitable for Built-up welding with backside bead. 用途はCBM-8065Wと同一で裏ビードを形成する。 …
The CBM-80 series, the most popular product family made by VENVULAS, are widely used as a welding supplement for shipbuilding, marine plants, and any other steel constructions. The CBM-80 series consist of aluminum adhesive tape, which is specially designed for the heat resistance, and ceramic blocks,
CBM-8065W | Back-up Tape (CBM 8065 W) | DONGIL INDUST
CBM-8065W Back-up Tape (CBM 8065 W) from DONGIL INDUST. MISUMI offers free CAD downloads, short lead times, competitive pricing, and no minimum order quantity. Purchase CBM-8065W Back-up Tape (CBM 8065 W) from DONGIL INDUST, FA & metal molding parts, industrial tools and consumables.
Back-up Tape (CBM 8065 W) | DONGIL INDUST | MISUMI …
Back-up Tape (CBM 8065 W) from DONGIL INDUST. MISUMI offers Free CAD Download, Competitive Price, Same Day and Free Shipping
동일세라믹 백킹제 백업테이프 CBM-8061,8065W,8065WE (박스단위)
동일세라믹 백킹제 백업테이프 cbm-8061,8065w,8065we (박스단위) 해외배송 가능상품 카카오톡 채널 추가하고 신규정보 확인하기
DONGIL CERAMIC | Kouei Japan Trading | Get Quotation
CBM-80 シリーズは、DONG IL セラミックスが製造する最も人気のある製品ファミリーで、造船、海洋プラント、その他の鋼鉄構造物の溶接補助材として広く使用されています。 CBM-80 シリーズは、耐熱性に特化して設計されたアルミニウム接着テープと、強い熱衝撃に耐えることができるセラミックブロックで構成されています。 CBM-80 シリーズは、FCAWやGMAWを含むほとんどの片面溶接タイプに使用できます。 CBM-80 シリーズは、全ての溶接姿勢(1G、2G …
형번 : CBM-8065W 백업 테이프 (CBM 8065 W) - 한국미스미
동일 (dongilindust)의 백업 테이프 (cbm 8065 w) (cbm-8065w)입니다. 【특징】・C.B.M을 개선 이면에 부착하고 용접을 하면 표면용접과 동시에 이면 Bead를 부드럽게 형성 하여 Back Gouging 및 이면 용접을 생략하는 기법으로 결함이 없는 융착부를 만듬으로써 Back Gouging 공수...