CBU-DCS - Casambi
CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled DALI controller. CBU-DCS does not have its own power supply. Instead, it is powered directly from a DALI bus. CBU-DCS can be used with a DALI sensor for presence detection or daylight harvesting, or it can be used for controlling DALI drivers that have an integrated DALI bus power supply.
cbu-dcs是一款支持casambi的蓝牙可控dali 控制器。 cbu-dcs没有自己的dali总线电源,而是直接由dali总线供电。 cbu-dcs能是用于存在传感器或日光补偿的日光感应器,且它 能控制自带dali总线电源的dali驱动。 cbu 从 处置说明 根据欧盟关于废弃电气和电子设备(weee )的指令
CBU-DCS是一款支持Casambi的蓝牙可控DALI 控制器。 CBU-DCS没有自己的DALI总线电源,而是直接由DALI总线供电。 CBU-DCS能是用于存在传感器 或 日光 补偿的日光感应器, 且它能 控制自带DALI总线电源的 DALI驱动。
CBU-DCS can be used with a DALI sensor for presence detection or daylight harvesting, or it can be used for controlling DALI drivers that have an integrated DALI bus power supply. CBU-DCS can be controlled with Casambi app which can be downloaded free of charge from
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CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled DALI . controller. CBU-DCS does not have its own power supply. Instead, it is powered directly from a DALI bus. CBU-DCS can be used with a DALI sensor for presence detection or daylight harvesting, or it can be used for controlling . DALI drivers that have an integrated DALI bus power supply.
CBU-DCS USA & Canada Bluetooth controllable LED driver controller casambi.com Dimensions Description CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled LED driver controller. It is designed to be used with ANSI C137.4 compatible products, such as Philips Advance Xitanium SR LED drivers and OSRAM LED drivers with DEXAL™ technology. CBU-DCS does
CASAMBI CBU-DCS Bluetooth controllable DALI controller
CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled DALIcontroller. CBU-DCS does not have its own power supply. Instead, it is powereddirectly from a DALI bus. CBU-DCS can be used with a DALI sensor for presence detection ordaylight harvesting, or it can be used for controlling DALI drivers that havean integrated DALI bus power supply. When ...
Casambi CBU-DCS – Casambi | Art4Light
Casambi CBU-DCS A) Casambi interface CBU-DCS has numerous profiles that you can use on an active Dali line. A well-known one is profile G0-G7 where you can control up to 8 dimming groups.
Arlico - Casambi - CBU-DCS
CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled DALI controller. CBU-DCS does not have its own power supply. Instead, it is powered directly from a DALI bus. CBU-DCS can be used with a DALI sensor for presence detection or daylight harvesting, or it can be used for controlling DALI drivers that have an integrated DALI bus power supply.
Casambi CBU-DCS Bluetooth Controller | Holders Technology
CBU-DCS is a Bluetooth controllable, Casambi enabled passive DALI controller. CBU-DCS does not have its own power supply. Instead, it is powered directly from a DALI bus.