Faculty Directory - California Baptist University
CBU makes it our mission to help you realize your role as a servant leader through a combination of faith-rooted academic programs, a Christian community invested in your success and financial support.
Faculty & Staff - College of Engineering - California Baptist University
Faculty Senate Member. Office Phone: 951-343-4974 E-mail: [email protected] Office Location: College of Engineering Building, TEGR 344
Faculty & Staff - College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
California Baptist University, one of the top Christian Colleges in the nation, is a private Christian university located near Los Angeles in Southern California.
Faculty - Christian Brothers University
Part-Time Faculty, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Dan Bernitt Assistant Professor, Department of Literature & Languages, Rosa Deal School of Arts
School of Business Faculty & Staff | CBU Memphis
Please meet the faculty & staff of the CBU School of Business!
Faculty & Staff - Cape Breton University
Department: Shannon School of Business. Associate Professor & Assistant Dean for Research & Scholarship. Department: Nursing. Sessional Instructor. Department: Legal, Economics, Accounting & Finance. Email: [email protected]. Assistant Professor Management Science. Department: Financial & Information Mgt. Email: [email protected].
Engineering Faculty & Staff - Christian Brothers University
The Gadomski School of Engineering Faculty & Staff at Christian Brothers University
Faculty & Staff - Cape Breton University
At CBU, we provide the necessary resources to create an environment that enables employees to flourish. Innovative research, exemplary teaching, collaborative community partnerships and supporting students in realizing their potential are just some of the ways we show the best of what this university, this island and this country have to offer.
Home - Faculty Resources - Christian Brothers University
2025年1月28日 · Put books, videos, and articles on reserve for your classes. Our librarians are available to do library instruction and tours for your classes. Contact your department’s liaison librarian for more information or follow the link to schedule a session for a class.
Welcome | Provost | InsideCBU - California Baptist University
The Office of the Provost is dedicated to the faculty, staff, and students of California Baptist University. The primary mission of the Office of the Provost is to create conditions for success by providing leadership and strategic vision for academics at CBU.