K-12 Pennsylvania Public Cyber Charter School | CCA
Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a top-accredited K through 12 public cyber charter school that provides personalized, high-quality education to all Pennsylvania students at no cost to families. At CCA, we meet you where you are, no matter if you’re in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, or somewhere else in Pennsylvania.
Edio - CCA - K-12 PA Public Cyber Charter School
Edio® (Education for Individualized Outcomes) is CCA’s relationship management system (RMS). It was designed by CCA teachers, parents, staff, and students to provide a personalized learning experience unique to CCA. To get started with edio, check your inbox for your edio account activation email. The process is simple to complete.
Academic Programs - K-12 Online Charter School | CCA
For parents across Pennsylvania, CCA is the leading choice for their children’s cyber charter school needs. Our cyber school academic programs for students in grades K-5 are designed to involve the entire family in the CCA community. We provide the tools and resources for online school programs, and we nurture personal growth and creative thinking.
Edio | Commonwealth Charter Academy
Edio is the online platform for Commonwealth Charter Academy students and families, offering access to lessons, progress reports, communication tools, and more.
How to Enroll at CCA | Our Online School Enrollment Process
Commonwealth Charter Academy (CCA) is a K through 12 statewide public cyber charter school offering a quality online education at no cost to all Pennsylvania students since 2003. It provides a flexible, personalized, career-ready education on your schedule. Flexibility is a key benefit to enrolling in cyber school.
Commonwealth Charter Academy in PA - Niche
Teachers are always ready to help you, CCA molds a wonderful curriculum that works for your lifestyle. Although CCA is a cyber based school they still find ways to get children involved in in-person activities, like field trips, club activities and career readiness programs.
CCA - Facebook
CCA. 26,022 likes · 185 talking about this. CCA is Pennsylvania's most sought-after public cyber charter school that serves students in grades K through 12 across the state at no cost to families.
AgWorks at CCA
AgWorks at CCA provides agricultural education and hands-on learning experiences for students.
K-12 Cyber School Course Catalog and Curriculum | CCA
From grades K through 12, CCA offers a core curriculum focused on courses in math, science, English/language arts and social studies.
Edio | Commonwealth Charter Academy
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