CCASS Shareholding Search - HKEXnews
You can search for CCASS shareholding information in the past 12 months. Shareholding information displayed represents the shareholdings of CCASS Participants as at the end of the specified date (except for Stock Connect Northbound Shareholding).
中央結算系統持股紀錄查詢服務 - HKEXnews
ccass/3 代表中央結算及交收系統(又稱中央結算系統),是由香港中央結算有限公司(香港中央結算)開發及營運的電腦化證券結算及交收系統。 系統通過中央結算系統終端(又稱 ccass/3 終端機)所提供基於瀏覽器的用戶界面,以及透過參與者網間連接器( pg )的直通式處理,以方便中 …
Settlement - Securities - HKEX
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC), as a securities settlement system (“SSS”) operator, provides securities transfer/settlement and payment processing services to Participants via the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) for …
中央結算及交收系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中央結算及交收系統( The Central Clearing And Settlement System ,缩写为 CCASS ),簡稱中央結算系統,是一個專為在香港 聯交所 上市的證券買賣而設的電腦化賬面交收系統;中央結算系統原本的設計只為讓香港交易所轄下的香港中央結算有限公司(結算公司)可向市場中介人士,例如經紀及託管商,提供結 ...
Webb-site Reports
2008年11月19日 · Webb-site.com launches CCASS Analysis 19 November 2008. Webb-site.com is pleased to announce a new free service for our readers - an analysis of the holdings in the Central Clearing and Automated Settlement System (CCASS), which is Hong Kong's book-entry depository system for securities traded on the stock exchange.To get started right away, go to our home page and key in a stock code in the ...
緊貼披露,創造回報 | DisclosureTracker
dt系統首創專門針對中央結算 (ccass) 的一套分析系統。系統每天素描全港2000多隻股票的 ccass 倉位紀錄,找出異動倉位變化,以電郵及手機推送方式通知用戶。
2024年11月21日 · CCASS 是什么? CCASS,全称为 Central Clearing and Settlement System,即中央结算及交收系统。它是一个在金融市场中起着至关重要作用的基础设施。
CCASS/3 stands for Central Clearing and Settlement System (also known as CCASS) which is a computerised securities clearing and settlement system developed and operated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC).It provides browser based user interface via CCASS/3 Terminal (also known as C3T), straight-through-processing with direct linkage via Participant Gateway (PG) to ...
Securities Admission into CCASS - HKEX
2022年10月7日 · Introduction. Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (“ HKSCC ”) is a recognised clearing house under the Securities and Futures Ordinance. It operates the central clearing and settlement system (“ CCASS ”) which provides CCASS services to participants of CCASS subject to its General Rules of HKSCC and HKSCC Operational Procedures in effect from time to time.