Address:3102-3104, AL FATTAN CURRENCY HOUSE TOWER, DIFC, DUBAI, UAE China Construction Bank (DIFC Branch) is a branch of China Construction Bank Corporation, and located in the Dubai International Financial Centre.
分行地址:3102-3104, al fattan currency house tower, difc, dubai, uae China Construction Bank (DIFC Branch) is a branch of China Construction Bank Corporation, and located in the Dubai International Financial Centre.
联系地址: 31st Floor, Tower 2, Al Fattan Currency House, DIFC, PO Box 128220, Dubai, UAE. 传真: +971 (0)4 567 4777. 联系电话: +971 (0)4 567 4888. 邮箱: [email protected]. 投诉与反馈:[email protected]
Contact Us_Dubai_CCB
Address: 31st Floor, Tower 2, Al Fattan Currency House, DIFC, PO Box 128220, Dubai, UAE. Fax: +971 (0)4 567 4777. Telephone: +971 (0)4 567 4888. Email: [email protected]. Complaint & Feedback: [email protected]
About Us - CCB Dubai
CCB DIFC is a category 1 Authorized Firm in Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and provides financial services and products to a wide range of business (except the local currency AED business and deposit from local state) for corporate and institution customers, including: Accepting Deposits, Providing Credit, Dealing in Investments as ...
關於我們_中國建設銀行(迪拜)有限公司 - CCB
迪拜分行擁有當地金融監管機構最高等級的“一類許可”業務牌照,可以向公司機構類客戶提供包括接受存款、發放貸款、自營投資、代理投資、安排信貸或投資交易、金融産品或信貸諮詢及託管等全方位金融服務(不包括本幣迪拉姆業務和本地賬戶轉入存款)。 主要業務品種包括: (1)存款業務:活期存款、定期存款、通知存款等。 (2)貸款業務:雙邊貸款、銀團貸款、項目融資、飛機融資等。 (3)貿易融資業務: 信用證開證、信用證通知、信託收據貸款、提貨擔保、信用 …
中国建设银行迪拜国际金融中心分行(以下简称“迪拜分行”)全面承接原中国建设银行(迪拜)有限公司的全部资产、负债和业务,是中国建设银行在中东地区设立的分支机构,业务覆盖海湾六国。 迪拜分行响应国家“一带一路”倡议,依托迪拜作为全球和地区国际贸易和金融中心的优势,为中资企业“走出去”提供全面的金融产品和服务。 同时,将中国建设银行的优势延伸到当地优质企业,构筑起连接中国和海湾地区的桥梁。 2、业务品种. 迪拜分行拥有当地金融监管机构最高等 …
中國建設銀行迪拜國際金融中心分行 - CCB
分行地址:3102-3104, AL FATTAN CURRENCY HOUSE TOWER, DIFC, DUBAI, UAE China Construction Bank (DIFC Branch) is a branch of China Construction Bank Corporation, and located in the Dubai International Financial Centre. China Construction Bank (DIFC Branch) is authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial
detail - Notice Information - CCB Dubai
CCB DIFC Standard terms of Business and Privacy Notice Published time: 2020-09-25 China Construction Bank (DIFC branch) has updated its Standard Terms of Business and Privacy Notice in September 2020.
Products & Services - CCB Dubai
We operate throughout Middle East and North Africa regions. Provide expert financial solutions for our customers. Offer the facilities for foreign exchange and FX rate risk hedging. Provide convenient settlement service. and located in the Dubai International Financial Centre.